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Ask a question from your peers to help you in your professional work. Seek different points of view on a topic that interests you. Start a thought-provoking conversation about a hot, current topic. Encourage your peers to join you in the discussion, and feel free to facilitate the discussion. As a community of educators, all members of the Career Ed Lounge are empowered to act as a discussion facilitator to help us all learn from each other.

Hedonistic Adaptation and Its Impact

"How does hedonistic adaptation affect long-term motivation and satisfaction, and what strategies can be employed to mitigate its effects?"
Guiding Questions:

How have you experienced hedonistic adaptation in your own life or career?
What strategies have you found effective in sustaining motivation and satisfaction over time?
How can organizations or educational institutions design rewards and recognition systems to minimize hedonistic adaptation?

Strategy Brainstorming: In small groups, brainstorm strategies to maintain motivation and engagement despite hedonistic adaptation. Share and discuss these strategies with the larger group.

Motivating others

Motivating others, whether students, colleagues, or staff, requires a nuanced understanding of intrinsic and extrinsic factors. Some key insights I’ve gathered and how I plan to apply them:
I plan to offer students more choices in their learning activities and projects, allowing them to pursue areas they are passionate about.
Emphasize Mastery: I will focus on providing feedback highlighting progress and personal growth rather than solely grading for outcomes. Celebrating achievements in their learning journey can reinforce their intrinsic motivation.
I will encourage team projects and peer collaboration, fostering a supportive environment where colleagues can share ideas and learn from each other.
I will advocate for and participate in professional development opportunities that align with my colleagues’ interests and career goals, ensuring they feel supported in their growth.
I will regularly review personal goals that align with my passions and values. This can help maintain my intrinsic motivation and focus on continuous improvement.
I will actively seek constructive feedback and reflect on my progress and achievements, which will help me stay engaged and motivated in my role.

Building student motivation

It was helpful to learn ways to build student motivation and learn what actually motivates students.

Enhancing Student Retention

The faculty member can assist in the retention of students by understanding their backgrounds, their goals, their intentions as well as their fears. Student frustration is largely related to four areas that include, people, impersonal problems, rules and limitations.  Creating a supportive environment must focus on two areas which include intrinsic needs and extrinsic needs. The intrinsic needs focus on their educational pathway and incorporates factors such as students having the drive to learn a new skill, be competent in an area, acquire another skill set, succeed, do well and feel involved and interact with people. 

The extrinsic needs of students largely entail their environments and is largely based off the needs found in Maslow's hierarchy of needs. Once the extrinsic needs have been fulfilled, the student often finds that acquiring the intrinsic is easier. 

This appears to reflect the in-classroom student, because the online student has other needs. 


I learned in this course that you need to understand the students. Students come from all different backgrounds and learn in different ways. As a teacher, we need to utilize resources and motivate students to help them succeed in the course. We should be leaning on the different strengths that are brought into the area to increase the outcome of a student's success.


In this course I learned another level of understanding, case by case, students individually. 

The adult learner

I obtained my Bachelor's of Science in Nursing at the age of 29/30 and it as was really frusturating to be talked down to so much by some of my nursing professors. Not all of them but a few of them would lecture us on things like "not partying" the night before clinical and it just felt very condescending in rude. A lot of what I feel that I learn from is what NOT to do!

RE: Short compact courses

What do you find is best with evaluations when teaching an 8 week or 4 week hybrid course that is normally taught in 16 weeks?

how do you incorporate your teaching with students life experiences?

how do you align this well?

Student Retention

Best way to initiate student retention

In-class connective activities

What are some activities that can increase student's connections with what is being taught?


identification of student needs will assist in the retention process. This identification process gives instructors an understanding of where individual student are and how they can be encouraged and supported.


The course content gave me a clearer perspective on the student learning experience and how to keep my students engaged through clear, focused and dynamic instructional methods

Terrible case of the "ums"

My difficulty with adding so many UMs to my lecture seemed to start when I was teaching on zoom during covid. I have been trying to control it but nothing seems to work so far. I have just come to where I explain to the students that I am stuck in a vortex of UMS!! I hope it doesn't sound as stupid as it feels

I learn when they learn

I learn when students learn. Their unique perspectives provide me opportunities to stay connected and relevant with today's students.

great ideas

gave me a new perspective on the matter

Seems to be focused too much on instructor's performative behavior.

Education must be student-centered.  The student must understand that getting an education is not the pouring in of knowledge. 

Set Standards

Extrinsic is a goal

Students retention

Treat Students as customers with an open line of communication.

Classroom comfort

Today, we think of ensuring the air conditioning or heater is working well.

When my father taught in a one-room school during the great depression, in the winter, he went to his "work" early to build a fire in the wood stove before students arrived.  The theme was the same as it is now . . . keep the learners comfy.