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Older nontraditional students VS traditionalstudents

What suggestion do you  have to make the older students understand that the new  working world he/ she is going to enter ,can be some what different and that they have to change their way of thinking to succeed  in the new career .

In doing this course I personally gained some knowledge in the areas of motivating students. 

Adult students have a life outside of school.

Life and survival can sometimes make focus difficult.  

Instructor Role

What I have learned from this course is to continue to boost the adult student's motivation, also their evalution are important, this is a good tool for one on one for the student to evaluate their goals, and to improve on what they are trying to achieve for themselves with the course completion.


Advisings are an important part of teaching and can't be ignored. It's important that the student is aware of any short-comings and also how we can help them to become more successful. Many students I find, aren't quite aware of how to catch up if they fall behind and a good plan and conversation can put them right back on the path to success. 

Students as customers

I think it's important to remember that while the students are indeed a customer of the company we work for, that the customer is not always right and that as instructors and teachers, it is still our job to make sure that we are doing our best to create the best end product possible. A successful graduate.


In working with adult learners, I have found that they have a whole different set of daily problems that are not unlike our own. They may be a single parent, or trying to pay bills working 2 jobs, while just trying to make ends meet until they reach the goal of a better life for their family. As the instructors, I think its important to see them as individuals and not assume that everyone is dealing with the same stressors. We need to be involved and pay attention to individuality to help our students be successful. 

Motivate via retention

The use of mnemonics to retain information. 

Focus on students

Tell a story to support visualizing complex concepts. 

Setting the stage/Fun

Share stories and be fair. 

Needs for learning

In a word Maslow

Great Section

Full of great ideas to keep students engaged and participating in class and the concepts. 

Student Frustrations

I just encountered a situation yesterday where a student came to take and exam - she was late and did not have her required computer with her. I explained she would need to see the Dean to borrow a loaner computer. She left the room unhappy I into the hallway and acknowledged  her frustration, fear and road blocks. She did return after seeing the Dean and we rescheduled her make-up exam for today. But she did express her frustration with "all your rules" We had a good discussion - I explained what to in the future if she encounters the same problem and we looked at her computer to understand why she did bring it. She had neglected to download the testing software in orientation and id not want to admit she had not completed this task. 

Hedonistic Adaptation and Its Impact

"How does hedonistic adaptation affect long-term motivation and satisfaction, and what strategies can be employed to mitigate its effects?"
Guiding Questions:

How have you experienced hedonistic adaptation in your own life or career?
What strategies have you found effective in sustaining motivation and satisfaction over time?
How can organizations or educational institutions design rewards and recognition systems to minimize hedonistic adaptation?

Strategy Brainstorming: In small groups, brainstorm strategies to maintain motivation and engagement despite hedonistic adaptation. Share and discuss these strategies with the larger group.

Motivating others

Motivating others, whether students, colleagues, or staff, requires a nuanced understanding of intrinsic and extrinsic factors. Some key insights I’ve gathered and how I plan to apply them:
I plan to offer students more choices in their learning activities and projects, allowing them to pursue areas they are passionate about.
Emphasize Mastery: I will focus on providing feedback highlighting progress and personal growth rather than solely grading for outcomes. Celebrating achievements in their learning journey can reinforce their intrinsic motivation.
I will encourage team projects and peer collaboration, fostering a supportive environment where colleagues can share ideas and learn from each other.
I will advocate for and participate in professional development opportunities that align with my colleagues’ interests and career goals, ensuring they feel supported in their growth.
I will regularly review personal goals that align with my passions and values. This can help maintain my intrinsic motivation and focus on continuous improvement.
I will actively seek constructive feedback and reflect on my progress and achievements, which will help me stay engaged and motivated in my role.

Building student motivation

It was helpful to learn ways to build student motivation and learn what actually motivates students.

Enhancing Student Retention

The faculty member can assist in the retention of students by understanding their backgrounds, their goals, their intentions as well as their fears. Student frustration is largely related to four areas that include, people, impersonal problems, rules and limitations.  Creating a supportive environment must focus on two areas which include intrinsic needs and extrinsic needs. The intrinsic needs focus on their educational pathway and incorporates factors such as students having the drive to learn a new skill, be competent in an area, acquire another skill set, succeed, do well and feel involved and interact with people. 

The extrinsic needs of students largely entail their environments and is largely based off the needs found in Maslow's hierarchy of needs. Once the extrinsic needs have been fulfilled, the student often finds that acquiring the intrinsic is easier. 

This appears to reflect the in-classroom student, because the online student has other needs. 


I learned in this course that you need to understand the students. Students come from all different backgrounds and learn in different ways. As a teacher, we need to utilize resources and motivate students to help them succeed in the course. We should be leaning on the different strengths that are brought into the area to increase the outcome of a student's success.


In this course I learned another level of understanding, case by case, students individually. 

The adult learner

I obtained my Bachelor's of Science in Nursing at the age of 29/30 and it as was really frusturating to be talked down to so much by some of my nursing professors. Not all of them but a few of them would lecture us on things like "not partying" the night before clinical and it just felt very condescending in rude. A lot of what I feel that I learn from is what NOT to do!

RE: Short compact courses

What do you find is best with evaluations when teaching an 8 week or 4 week hybrid course that is normally taught in 16 weeks?