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Student Empowerment Profiled | Origin: ED144

This is a general discussion forum for the following learning topic:

Student Empowerment for Learning Success --> Student Empowerment Profiled

Post what you've learned about this topic and how you intend to apply it. Feel free to post questions and comments too.

Motivating Your Students | Origin: ED102

This is a general discussion forum for the following learning topic:

Student Retention Methods --> Motivating Your Students

Post what you've learned about this topic and how you intend to apply it. Feel free to post questions and comments too.

Keeping Your Focus on the Students | Origin: ED102

This is a general discussion forum for the following learning topic:

Student Retention Methods --> Keeping Your Focus on the Students

Post what you've learned about this topic and how you intend to apply it. Feel free to post questions and comments too.

General Strategies for Student Retention | Origin: ED102

This is a general discussion forum for the following learning topic:

Student Retention Methods --> General Strategies for Student Retention

Post what you've learned about this topic and how you intend to apply it. Feel free to post questions and comments too.

Understanding Student Characteristics | Origin: ED102

This is a general discussion forum for the following learning topic:

Student Retention Methods --> Understanding Student Characteristics

Post what you've learned about this topic and how you intend to apply it. Feel free to post questions and comments too.

new ideas

Anyone have new ideas for interactive teaching?

Assessments as motivation tools

We have seen that having a midterm exam can help refocus and renew energies in the classroom by instructors and students. What other ways do we have to turn assessments into learning opportunities and/or motivation tools?

How can we encourage interaction among age diverse students in a classroom?

I have observed in my classrooms that when there is a marked age difference among my students, some of the older students prefer to work alone rather than work with others.

How to react to a negative feedback from students?

I have, for the most part, have a great relationship and rapport with my students.  Rarely though, I get negative feedback from them  (inattention, making faces, etc.).  How do you keep this to the minimum and point out the negative behaviour without embarrasing the student involved?

Building Rapport

I have found that students are more motivated and engaged in succeeding in the course when a rapport is built without the first two classes.

Motivating Students

I realize how important it is to identify and motivate students based on what motivates them. I also see that being enthusiastic about the field that you are teaching really makes a difference in preparing students fro the career that they have chosen to be in.


What are some effects strategies in motivating students who are not interested in being in class?

ED 209 Students as Customers

In institutions of higher education, student retention is enhanced when the faculty is familiar with the concept of students as customers, implements effective communication techniques, and sets guidelines for advising and mentoring students.  Faculty needs to focus on the learning needs of the students and realize that academic and non-academic factors influence the success of each student.

Overcome the fear of failure

Fear of failure is the reason many students do not start and in my experience the reason some do not finish or drop out early.

This section was extremely valuable for me because I have to start from day one to consistently reinforce and reward students.

I especially like the part about helping students overcome challenges without feeding into complaining. It's a balancing act, empathy,

understanding, and helping them to stay focused on the goal by constantly reminding students that they deserve a future and a life they can

be proud of.  Following our brand, give students a reason to believe!


Intrinsic vs extrinsic motivators

The course treats this topic as if all the motivators mentioned are cut-and-dried one, the other, or both.  I disagree.  Just about anything can be an intrinsic motivator, even grades and a good job.  It depends on the motivator's value as perceived b the individual.  Getting a good job, for example, is certainly an extrinsic motivator because it resluts in rewards that can be easily seen by others, but for most people it is also very much an intrinsic motivator because it provides a sense of accomplishment that is purely internal.

great information

This was very important info, and is great input to put into play for your students.

Develop Intervention Programs

One of the most efficient ways to improve student retention is to reach at-risk students before they leave the university. Institutions like Beaufort County Community College do this by implementing an early alert student referral program: Students who are experiencing academic, personal, financial or social problems receive a letter informing them of the college's resources and available workshops that can help them address the issue at hand.


Do they really help?

How can you become successful in college?

College and success