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Ask a question from your peers to help you in your professional work. Seek different points of view on a topic that interests you. Start a thought-provoking conversation about a hot, current topic. Encourage your peers to join you in the discussion, and feel free to facilitate the discussion. As a community of educators, all members of the Career Ed Lounge are empowered to act as a discussion facilitator to help us all learn from each other.

RE: Short compact courses

What do you find is best with evaluations when teaching an 8 week or 4 week hybrid course that is normally taught in 16 weeks?

how do you incorporate your teaching with students life experiences?

how do you align this well?

Student Retention

Best way to initiate student retention

In-class connective activities

What are some activities that can increase student's connections with what is being taught?


identification of student needs will assist in the retention process. This identification process gives instructors an understanding of where individual student are and how they can be encouraged and supported.


The course content gave me a clearer perspective on the student learning experience and how to keep my students engaged through clear, focused and dynamic instructional methods

Terrible case of the "ums"

My difficulty with adding so many UMs to my lecture seemed to start when I was teaching on zoom during covid. I have been trying to control it but nothing seems to work so far. I have just come to where I explain to the students that I am stuck in a vortex of UMS!! I hope it doesn't sound as stupid as it feels

I learn when they learn

I learn when students learn. Their unique perspectives provide me opportunities to stay connected and relevant with today's students.

great ideas

gave me a new perspective on the matter

Seems to be focused too much on instructor's performative behavior.

Education must be student-centered.  The student must understand that getting an education is not the pouring in of knowledge. 

Set Standards

Extrinsic is a goal

Students retention

Treat Students as customers with an open line of communication.

Classroom comfort

Today, we think of ensuring the air conditioning or heater is working well.

When my father taught in a one-room school during the great depression, in the winter, he went to his "work" early to build a fire in the wood stove before students arrived.  The theme was the same as it is now . . . keep the learners comfy.

Enhancing student retention

Discuss the importance for student participation in sustaining a positive learning environment.  How does direct interaction between peers, an instructors motivate the learning environment and make learning fun?

Drawbacks or negative to "flipped classroom"

I was thinking the biggest barrier is that it is time-consuming to prepare a video lecture - screencast prior to the in-class active learning.  I am curious what other peoples thoughts are on other barriers. 


Understanding that 65% of the work force requires an education it is important that we assist adult learners with achieve their goal of getting a degree. I have learned that it is very important to retain our Adult Students by considering that they have families and jobs. But using their life experience to help in the process of obtaining their degree.


learning different wants and needs as an instructor and of the students.


Is good to be reminded that my students go as I go. Making sure that I am positive and up beat with the topics and courses that I teach.

Younger Students

I have often had problems getting younger students to participate especially if they are straight out of high school. Even when mixing the group up they tend to be very shy and are afraid to verbalize their opinion.  

How do you get to this understanding of students quickly?

I am interested to know how some of my peers get to know the students and understand their needs so quickly.  Is it through an ice breaker, or discussion board to understand the previous concerns discussed?

Thank you for your insights.