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i think any time you can use more than one method to teach a student a new piece of information you should use every means too get that information too them where it be props handson labs video or instructor demenstration

Hi Earl,
The human brain requires variety and that is what you are offering when you change the delivery and pace of the class. You give your students a chance to stop, reflect and then reenter the learning process. Keep looking for new and different ways of introducing your course content and you will be successful in teaching I am sure.

sometimes when you constantly teach the same course yourself changing things up will keep your motivation high along with the students. Sometimes when they are bored it's because you are too.

I think this is a great idea. I have a tendency to teach the information straight through and then do a larger scale activity...maybe I should break it up and do mini lectures and then small activities on each main point. It seems as if that is working for a lot of people.

Hi Elly,
These smaller learning segments do work well with students. Their brains can really get jammed full of content so by having sorter segments and then activities help to keep their focus throughout the class session.

I try to start my class out with lecture and after i notice that the students are starting to get fidgety, I will switch up and grab the model and re-explain it using the model as a demonstration. I keep them awake and involved.

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