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Providing feedback its important and helps the student to understand why its wrong.

I use this  in a way when I observe instructors during online classes.   I only apply objective facts based on what I see during the time in the lecture and save the subjective comments until I reach the part of the observation that requires me to look at the overall performance of instructor as whole. 

I really loved this module. 

It clearly and beautifully described the concept and the differences between reliability and validity "which are both very important to concider when designing an assessment tool", objective and subjective assessments and norm- and Criterion-referenced assessments.

In providing assessment, both objective and subjective feedback should be considered and provided in assessing a students understanding and knowledge outcomes.

Validity is crucial and ensures a test measures what it is intended to measure.


I currently use the criterion assessment but lookin at the subjetive test would be beneficial.

I don't see the application of norm referenced assessments in the classroom directly.

I learned that it's important to always provide feedback to the students after doing essays, assements, quizes etc. Personally I enjoy feedback so I need to make sure that I'm providing my students with that on assignments. I currently provide them with feedback on an overall aspect and during chapters we cover along with clinic time so I will be expanding on this. 

Objective questions, most commonly used, have definite right and wrong answers. They can easily be computer score. Subject questions call for a better understanding of the material, and is subject to an instructo's evaluation. 


La evaluación objetiva nos permite recopilar información precisa en corto tiempo y solo medir el conocimiento, pero no el nivel criterial del alumno, ya que solo va a elegir o marcar entre los diferentes tipos de pruebas que hay (verdadero o falso; alternativa múltiple y emparejamiento) pero no va a recibir una retraolimentación del docente. Aquí se llega solo a un nivel básico de apredizaje, por eso se recimienda que no se abuse de usar solo este tipo de pruebas, sino que sea una entre las diferentes alternativas. Mientras que las pruebas subjetivas noos permiten conocer la creatividad y opinión de los estudiantes, ya que al construir sus respuestas el proceso es más elaborado y requiere que ellos analicen, opinen, comenten, amplíen, etc. como al construir ensayos o resolver problemas, pero siempre se recimienda que utilicen un instrumento como una rúbrica, así podrá identificar sus logros y la retroalimentación será más efectiva.

La aplicaré con mis alumnos en las evaluaciones de cada módulo del curso, construyendo evaluaciones subjetivas que respondan a mi plan de estudios, acompañadas de rúbricas de evaluación para los proyectos y ensayos.



Testing is integral to my job as a middle school teacher as well as my job as an adjunct professor. Assessment is meant as a tool for students to learn. The evaluative part is really such a small portion. Feedback and reteaching have much more of a significant effect.


Creating meaningful assessments are critical to successful learning.  Grading, even with rubrics, can be diffiult if the student writes a successful essay but it is against the instructor's personal fellings on the topic.   As instructors we need to be cognizant of biases.  We need to select the proper style of assessment for the objectives.  


In this module I learned about different types of assessments, and what a specific assessment can tell us as instructors, about a student's understanding of the material, and progress with the material.  I plan to apply this knowledge, to gain a better understanding of where the students are at in their learning, so that I can further tailor future lessons to fill in the gaps.

I know that subjective and objective are different ways of gaugeing the students understanding of the course material. 


This module provided us with different types of assessments and how they should be used to ensure the best learning outcome for our students.

Subjective assessments are thoughts and opinions. Objective assessments are right and wrong answers. Both can be helpful in assessing students in their learning. 

I enjoyed learning about tips for subjective assesment. Since I teach a lot of subjective content, I find it difficult to devise questions that demonstrate student comprehension without making them too difficult or too easy to answer. The point about having students reiterate important facts to demonstrate broader understanding was the most helpful for me, and I'm excited to bring this new knowledge into my future subjective assesments!


I agree with the guidelines for writing and using objective assessments present in this module, they are:

Focus on the desired outcomes/objectives. Make sure the question is specific to the content and appropriate to the group being tested. Make objective assessments only one component of the total, varied student assessment process. For formative quizzes/tests, provide feedback for correct and incorrect answer options. Use short, frequent quizzes/tests. Use test banks based on several questions and randomly select questions for use in assessments. Write questions that require higher order skills.

results obtained from norm-referenced assesments


When assessments are designed. Validity and relibility are both important part in desingint assessment. 

Objective assessments can be summative and used to calculate a final grade for students, or formative where students receive feedback on their performance. Objective assessments are used effectivlly for assessent large number of students on short timeframe.

There are various of objective assessments, such as true/false questions, multiple choice, and matching assessments.  A subjective assessment questions, such as open-ended or open response require humen judgement. Essay  and proplem- solving questions are types of subjective assessments.


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