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I learned the importance of using different types of assessment including subjective and objective.  The objective assessment is the method most commonly used for true/false test questions and multiple choice questions.  The subjective assessment is difficult to grade without a rubrics and must be given exact parameters.  I have used primarily objective assessment and Norm-references assessment.

Criterion - Referenced assessments can be interpreded in different ways..    The instructor can compare the students test scores with performance standards and make a decision if the students meets a particular standard.

Instructor can illustrate a learning task their student is able to perform


Interesting to hear and read about the differences between Norm and Criterion referencee assessments.  I have a better understanding as to why Subjective tests are more challenging to develop.

I have Learned different and spefic assesments

Rubrics are necessary with subjective assessments

I've used both objective and subjective assessments, the subjective essay style assessments are more time consuming to grade, although they give a much clearer measurement of the students grasp of the subject.

The objective and subjective evaluation allow having a more complete vision of the training process.

Ambas evaluaciones objetivas y subjetivas si las aplicamos nos sirven para identificar a nuestro estudiante, su nivel de aprendizaje y su capacidad de análisis.

I have learnt that assessment should respond to the criteria of validity and reliability and that there are different types of evaluation according to the criteria used: it could be objective or subjective

I have learned that there are various ways of assessments - these being objective and subjective assessments. Both are useful, however, subjective assessments helps us to better understand the students' own knowledge of the material and how they can put together the information they have understood. 

Que interesante este curso, realmente la labor del docente es compleja. Hay que trabajar muy duro para ser lo integral posible en la labor, y prepararse para evaluar a los estudiantes de la mejor manera, para que contribuya a su aprendizaje y al mismo tiempo nos permita ver como estamos llevando el proceso de enseñanza - aprendizaje

There are various types of evaluations, depending on the intention of the instructor, it is valid to carry out objective, subjective or criteria evaluations, the important thing is to be clear about what is being evaluated.

Ambas miden destrezas pero desde un enfoque diferente, pero en las subjetivas tenemos el reto de preparar, administrar y evaluar ya que requiere de nuestro discernimiento .

Norm-referenced and criterion-referenced assessments are two types of assessment in which results are specifically compared to something. Both are important in the assessment of students although they have very different purposes.

Norm-referenced assessment allows an instructor to compare a student's skills to others within a particular group and are most appropriate when the instructor wants to make comparisons across a large number of students or needs to make a decision regarding student placement and advancement. Norm-referenced assessments are better to use to determine individual performance in comparison to others.

The importance of validity and reliability.


I appreciated the review (and application) of validity and reliability regarding assessment - this is something that I know I don't consciously consider when creating assessments, so this is great "fall back" to theory/pedagogy/methodology for a new (or seasoned) faculty member. 

I think what really resonated with me after reading about Subjective and Objective Assessments is that adequate and appropriate assessments are not easy to create.  A poorly constructed test will result in grades that may not accurately reflect what has been learned. 

Subjective tests are evaluated by giving an opinion. Objective test, on the other hand, have right or wrong answers.  Subjective tests are more challenging to prepare, administer, and evaluate correctly; essays are a good example of subjective assessments.  Rubrics should be used in evaluating essays and should be shared with students with clear guidelines to help them focus on their writing.  In my classes, I use a lot of essay questions in my midterm or final assessments and provide an example of a sufficient response to ensure they understand the topic and are not just writing nonsense or providing a generalized answer.

Necessary assessments tools in the education realm great tools to determine student's grasp of knowledge.

This module is important to notice the difference between objective and subjective assessments so they are a new challenge to prepare and evaluate correctly.

It's important to provide both subjective and objective assessment.  Objective measures the degree of hard knowledge retained, while subjective focuses more on opinions formed and the ability to apply knowledge.

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