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I have learned

1- How to identify the components of communication

2- What are the capacities of commonication

3- The basic formula of communication

After this experience this past marking quarter, I truly realized this importance of keeping myself organized.  When TEAMS first opened I was excited to reconnect and get started.  Much like when I first had a computer and started to add files, I quickly saw that it is imperative to create files.  I thought the insight from the first unit in this course was very useful in thinking of Modules, and then breaking things into lessons.  I am hoping that the fall brings a bit more freedom to educators to create meaningful learning environments.  

In order to be an effective online instructor you must first me familiar with the content, how it is structured in a way that we will be able to facilitate learning to our students.

The structure of lessons within e-learning is a big key to success. Not only that of the students but my own. I will need to learn everything that I can to ensure there are no pitfalls to the academic process.

As a faculty, one must be both the learning support and the technical support as well. Students gets frustrated when they encounter any technical issues and can result in their overall frustration of doing the online course itelf. There are different methods that a faculty can use to avoid a monotonous online learning environment which may lead to students' non-interest on the lesson on hand especially when that lesson is not as exciting in the first place. As a faculty, one should be able to manuever the use of the online program to checking student's profiles, attendance, quizzes and tests and other platforms that will help the ease and excellent delivery of the lesson therefore benefitting the students.


I learned that it is important that instructors thoroughly understand the online learning system and how it works. It is also important any gliches in the system are resolved so students can successfully use and complete work.

I learned that to be a successful online instructor I need to be familiar with the program and software I am using and be prepared for the questions that may be asked.  


To ensure student are engaged I must be able to navigate and understand the e-learning platform, so I may be able to deliver the best orientation making sure student will be able to increase student confidence.

Learned online courses are characterized by structrual integrity, navigational simpliity, intellectual interaction.

I've learned that as an instructor I'm expected to be totally familiar with the online platform that is being used to effectively deliver the course information. Also there are several ways to present information to students and to ensure students understand the lesson.

Make sure that students know you are there to help them and support their needs.  Include ways that students can get in touch with you and that they know your office hours.  Be consistant with everything you do including that you understand how to use the platform.


by learning the in and out of the CMS being used I can be a more effective support system for my student

I think the important thing that I've learned is that it's more than just course content that we have to instruct the students on but how to maneuver through the CMS

Having taught in several online environments, one key aspect that is important in all of them is preparation before the class begins.  This is important not only for the first online class taught, but also subsequent classes also, especially if it is the same class.  It is easy to get complacent after having taught a course several times and get into a routine.  An instructor should always be striving to improve upon the course content or conduct as time progresses.


This lesson has allowed me to understand the methadology of E-Learning as well as expectations. Many students may not be comfortable with the format so a strategy is needed to make sure all students are engaged. I understand the many components necessary to be a successful online teacher. 


In finishing out the school year teaching online I found that it be necessary that I understand all of the software that the students were being required to use, and how they could submit work so I could be there technical support.


This will be beneficial in keeping everythhing in order. Having a meeting prior to starting is important because it gives the instructor the opportunity to meet with the students and also let you know if there are technology issues. We need to make it as engaging as possible considering we are teaching real hands on subjects.

Teachers might be very confident in their course content, but if they can not prove to their students that they are comfortable in the technical aspect of online teaching they will win over their audiences approval.  This being said I plan to take the extra time this summer not taking familiar content loaded pds, but to focus more on our schools online platform trainings that will be more beneficial if we do have to go back to a virtual classroom this next school year at some point.  


I will use this to build a coarse that the students can understand and be susessfull upon completions.

Give students an understanding of what is required and responding quickley to the students needs.

It is very important to understand how to communicate with students in a timely manner. The importance to manage the chat environment and to drop participatnts that are violating school policies.

Quality online courses are characterized by structural integrity, navigational simplicity, intellectual interaction, and active learner-centered learning. It is important to become familiar with the CMS and complete the Student Orientation course to better understand how students will complete the activities. I will make sure the students will know I am there to support them and make their learning experience a successful one.

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