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Online instructor has its challenges for students, however computer knowledge is key

I learned the importance of structuring the CMS for an online class. When students are able to navigate to materials and assignments more easily, this can prevent frustration and encourage engagement in the class.

Knowing the CMS is a vital part of an online course for both the instructor and the instructor and the student. It is important to verify all students have access to it and know how to get support if needed. If additional technology is required, the same applies. 

To understand course delivery, we need to familiarize ourselves with how content is presented, the instructional methods employed, material accessibility, quiz policies, feedback mechanism, discussion timelines, guest lecturer roles, and provided materials. 

The key takeaway for me is the importance and personal interest that should be placed on 'clear and concise' communication, communication styles and efficient use and awareness of ALL accessible online resources resources available. 

The neccesity to adapt to the online learning environment is key to engage young learners.

Comenta la publicación de Mattrick Black :

Aplicar lo que aprenda en este curso implicará un enfoque proactivo y práctico para gestionar y mejorar la calidad de los programas educativos. Algunos pasos son:

Implementar un Plan de Efectividad del Programa (PEP): Crear e implementar un PEP puede servir como barómetro para evaluar la salud y viabilidad de un programa educativo existente. Este plan debe incluir objetivos, directrices y un proceso de seguimiento.

Utilice métodos de medición: aplique los métodos aprendidos para medir las tasas de retención del programa, la satisfacción de los estudiantes y otras métricas relevantes. Esto podría implicar la creación de encuestas y/o el análisis de datos existentes.

Realizar revisiones de credenciales: establecer un proceso regular para revisar y validar las credenciales del profesorado y el personal. Este ejercicio garantiza que el programa mantenga un alto nivel de integridad y calidad académica.

Recopile y analice los comentarios de los estudiantes: involucrar a estudiantes, graduados, afiliados clínicos externos y empleadores en el proceso de evaluación del programa puede proporcionar información valiosa para mejorar la calidad del programa.

Seguimiento de la colocación del programa: la creación de un sistema para realizar un seguimiento de la colocación y el éxito de los graduados puede ayudar a medir la eficacia del programa. Asegúrese de utilizar estos datos para implementar mejoras según sea necesario.

Uso de datos de encuestas: los comentarios de los graduados y los empleadores son un aporte esencial para la mejora continua del programa. Considere implementar encuestas periódicamente para que pueda utilizar las respuestas para actualizar y mejorar los programas.

Si sigue estos pasos y aplica lo que ha aprendido en el curso, podrá mejorar la calidad y eficacia de cualquier programa educativo.

Es esencial ajustarse al contexto de la educación en línea para mantener el interés y la participación de los estudiantes más jóvenes.

This section provided valuable insights on e-learning structure, roles and responsibilities; as well as; expectations and the responsibility and ownership of empowering, informing, self-assuring, instilling confidence in e-learning student. 

The instructor needs to know the system, online platform along with what is being taught in order to gain the confidence of the students and their teaching.

Make sure to know the course content and how to best implement the information. Utilize the learning tips and skills as much as possible. 

To make sure that students have technical and nursing support for the courses that they are enrolled to prevent attrition from the nursing program.

My takeaway is that there is a 'personal attention' to; and understanding of; the needs and delivery of e-learning that is necessary to facilitate student confidence, security and success. 

Course delivery content needs to be understood by the instructor and available to the student with technical support for the students.

An instructor plays a vital role in the success of e-learning. Having a complete understanding of the learning platform and how to successfully navigate the system and deliver the content in a structured manner that is understandable to the students is key. 

It is important to familiarize yourself with courses to be able to understand, navigate, and answer questions from students as needed.

What I learned and how I will use it. In an online setting, students may not have immediate access to us as instructors for clarifications or questions. Therefore, we as instructors must develop strategies to anticipate common queries and provide comprehensive explanations within the course materials. Utilizing discussion forums, virtual office hours, or pre-recorded video explanations can help address student inquiries efficiently in an asynchronous environment. Additionally, incorporating interactive elements such as quizzes, simulations, and online tools like Pearson’s MyLab can enhance student engagement and understanding of Medical Assisting  concepts.

When using supplemental online tools like Pearson’s MyLab, students not only need to grasp the medical assistant content but also familiarize themselves with the specific tool’s interface and functionalities. Instructors play a vital role in guiding students on how to effectively use these tools to solve problems, track their progress, and access additional resources. By integrating these tools seamlessly into our course structure and providing clear instructions on their usage, instructors can empower students to leverage technology for enhanced learning outcomes.

Overall, successful online medical assistant instruction requires a combination of technical proficiency with the CMS, effective communication strategies for addressing student queries in an asynchronous environment, and strategic integration of supplemental online tools to support student learning.

In a digital learning setting, students feel more at ease and secure when they are assured of receiving the necessary support to make their educational journey fruitful. I am committed to understanding the unique needs of my students, enabling me to tailor my assistance to ensure their success as learners. This approach not only fosters a nurturing educational environment but also empowers students to achieve their full potential with confidence.

Sharing your qualifications with your students is an effective method to establish your authority, yet revealing personal career highlights where you've positively impacted others' lives can significantly humanize you in their eyes. This approach not only builds credibility but also fosters a deeper connection, making you more relatable and approachable to your students. It's a balance that enhances the learning environment by blending professional expertise with personal empathy and achievements.

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