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Ask a question from your peers to help you in your professional work. Seek different points of view on a topic that interests you. Start a thought-provoking conversation about a hot, current topic. Encourage your peers to join you in the discussion, and feel free to facilitate the discussion. As a community of educators, all members of the Career Ed Lounge are empowered to act as a discussion facilitator to help us all learn from each other.

engaging students in the process

I have found that engaging students in the process has shown to have better outcomes.


One question I am often asked from students is in regards to accreditation. Why don't all Universities accept the credits?

Forum 3

Be imaginative and honest to attract good students.

Forum 2

Watch your words.

Student Disclosures

Students who inquire about the Physical Therapist Assistant program at Concorde KOP are provided with a disclosure form that each must sign and is then placed in their file. Each form explains the Physical Requirements/Working Conditions, ATB/GED Statement, Transfer of Credits, Externship/Clinical Requirements, Criminal Background Check, and Emergency Release. The student is also provided with an Enrollment Agreement, Return of Title IV Funds, Criminal Background Disclosure, Student Criminal Background Check Acknowledgement, Personal Data Form, HS/GED Transcript Request, Student Disclosures and Acknowledgements, Consolidated Salary Disclosure, Federal Student Disclosure Federal Placement Rate Disclosure, Federal Student Body Diversity Disclosure, Waitlist Acknowledgement and Programmatic Accreditation Disclosure.


Asking a prospective student to bring a friend is always safe.

Separation of duties

I wonder if there is a way to offer an employee training regarding the overall picture of how each department works together without violating the separation of duties. For example, the other day, a prospective student was comparing the curriculum of a state school with our school and expressing how much more affordable the state school's program was. It just happene that I had a demanding parent asking questions about the same program days prior and connected the parent to our career services director who was able to relay, not only our competitive graduation and placement rates, but also explain more about our program and the degree that accompanies it, which other programs are lacking, but is not always obvious to the prospective student. So while they are more enticed by what appears to be just as good but more affordable, they are actually not getting the complete training/certification/ or licensure that we offer, so in the end, they get jipped and will likely have to return to school again. This information would really empower, say, a financial aid officer, and enable them to share very compelling information with a prospective student.

Can Spam Education

Getting all of our departments to understand the importance of aherence to CAN SPAM laws has been a struggle. Even after repeated warnings, employees continue to send mass email without approval or process. Is there not an IT solution to prohibit?

Drug-Free Awareness

Wondering if the DOE offers any training, guidelines, or protocol as to how this program should look or be conducted?

Entrance Counseling

Wondering if the DOE offers any sort of training on Entrance Counseling, or if they offer any guidelines, written training, protocol as to what coverage and detail?


It is interesting to me that parents don't have to undergo any counseling for the PLUS loan. Anyone know why this isn't a requirement?


In FA dept. we are not allowed to run NSLDS on a tenative because that student is not enrolled and we don't have the right to look into their loan history and its about time we changed that rule

Code of Conduct

It clearly states in our Catolog that breaking the rule of conduct the school reserves the right to suspend or terminate the student and they should read the catolog to insure that they understand this policy

Ethical Standards

As long as you comply with Concorde's five concorde values you will have a successful Career Integrity respect for the individual customer service teamwork achievement Dee carrasco


Many people think that is not a big deal to completely disclose information to future applicants, but how would one feel if we were the ones without disclosure benefits?

Employee disclosures

I really like how everything is explained and easy to read!


I like the fact that the consumers/ or prospective students are being protected by regulations.

True Customer Service

Customer service is very important in our industry, but I find that there is too much of a rush to assist without having all the correct info in hand. It is as if customer service is defined by the ability to hurry in order to help someone. With these new regulations, hopefully we can all see the benefit of taking time out to make sure that the right thing is done.

Student Referrals

Our best customers and referrals always come from those who have experienced our services. Our students, and later, our graduates are the best method to sell our services.

No call

We all have the right to our privacy. Should I, or anyone for that matter, state we do not wish to be called, well then, NO CALLING!