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First Module

The first module is clear and very informative and it gives a much useful terminology glossary 

Admissions Training - learning take away

During my training, I have learned it's very important for the Admissions team to be familiar with the marketing and advertising plans for our institution. This allows a better understanding to what prospective students already know about the institution. 

Distance Education

What are some of the protective guidelines or factors that are placed to identify the student's identity in distance education?  How can we be certain that the individual that is taking the course is the actual student?

Impact for Efficiency

What actually stands out to you about this lesson? How do you predict it will assist you in your current role?



I learned in this module (admissions training) the importance of admissions representatives completing training, which allows them to know all the rules, regulations, terms and pertinent information in order to provide adequate attention to applicants and know how to conduct themselves when carrying out admissions.
And also the importance of creating an effective resource notebook, this allows all the information to be kept organized, making it possible not only to access the information quickly but also to keep it updated with the latest changes or new regulations, as well as to use it as a reference to answer or clarify doubts that applicants may have.

Right to Provide Accommodation/ Discrimination

What has me baffled is that although an institution is not legally obligated to provide reasonable accommodation, not willing to provide that same reasonable accommodation can be perceived as discriminatory...

Therefore, is it done just to save public image or institutional reputation?

CM 201 | Staying Up to Date & Compliant

I learned the importance of continuous professional development for admission representatives, such as staying informed about institution offerings, understanding licensing, accreditation, and attending required meetings. 

CM 201 | Understanding Your Institutions

I learned in module 3 understanding my institution's structure, programs, services, and regulatory requirements, and the importance of following policies and regulations during the admissions process.

CM 201 Training | Admissions Process & Paperwork

To ensure that communication with prospective students align with regulatory guidelines, maintaining compliance and in line with institutions integrity. 

CM 201 Training

I learned the importance of maintaining compliance within admissions practices and the importance of ethical conduct, transparency, and supporting students through the admissions process.  

I like the online environment topic

I agree with that since the students are not in campus the instructor must be particularly clear. The assignments, grading procedures and the Internet etiquette must be very adequate to facilitate the learning process.

Admissions Staff Training Program

have learned from this module the importance of taking personal notes on the Florida Statutes and Rules, as it is an essential part of my role as an admissions administrative assistant. This allows me to provide accurate and efficient information to prospective students at this institution.

Admissions Staff Training Program

Hi! Through the introduction of this training program, I have learned that compliance/legalities is super important to the admissions process to make sure that students are enrolled using a smooth and universal process. 

Enrollment Agreement

Is important to understand the enrollment agreement process and complete the paperworks until creating the file to manage correctly this process.

Admission Training

Is important to update our knowledge in admissions process, based on the changes of any policies and for the benefits of the department and the insititution.

Easy to judge, harder to act

It is nice to know there are legitimate policies in place to help create a broad stroke for opportunities.


It is very important that every institution has a clear and transparent policy. 
The policy will guide you to follow the CIE guidelines and keep the students up to date and what the expectations are.


Advertising is very costly. Can someone share their advertising experience?

Georgette Personna

The content is very informative.

Resource Notebook

 In the context of higher education, particularly in managing the admissions process, the Resource Notebook emerges as an indispensable tool for enhancing efficiency and maintaining organization across multiple stakeholders. I found it to be an effective tool in my own experience. I previously used a similar system, though without a formal title. It has been gratifying to see that the practices I implemented align with recognized best practices in higher education.