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It is very important that every institution has a clear and transparent policy. 
The policy will guide you to follow the CIE guidelines and keep the students up to date and what the expectations are.


Advertising is very costly. Can someone share their advertising experience?

Georgette Personna

The content is very informative.

Resource Notebook

 In the context of higher education, particularly in managing the admissions process, the Resource Notebook emerges as an indispensable tool for enhancing efficiency and maintaining organization across multiple stakeholders. I found it to be an effective tool in my own experience. I previously used a similar system, though without a formal title. It has been gratifying to see that the practices I implemented align with recognized best practices in higher education.

What I learned

I learned the extreme importance in protecting the basic safeties of students and faculties at the federal and college level. Having a process in place to combat issues like this have promoted a positive growth in many fields. 

What I’ve learnt

I learned that an admission employee can only work for licensed institutions. I’ve learned the definition of some important terms such as, Accredited Foreign Medical school, Commission, Fair Consumer Practices, and Title IV.

It very helpful to have a Resource Notebook as it helps to keep you up to date with the any changes with policies and important information that affects admissions. 

What have you learned from this module and how do you intend to apply it?

I have learned about the basic terminology and procedures required to offer programs accredited by the State of Florida. This knowledge is essential to understand the quality standards and compliance requirements necessary for the success of educational programs in this region. Additionally, I learned how to create a resource notebook, which will be useful for compiling and organizing all important and relevant information for the admissions team.

I also gained insight into the admissions staff training process, which includes topics such as admissions procedures, marketing strategies, and other critical aspects that ensure a positive experience for students and optimize the admissions process. I plan to apply this knowledge by implementing more effective organization and training systems within the admissions team, which will help improve efficiency, regulatory compliance, and the satisfaction of prospective students.

Fair Consumer Practices

The role of different institutions regulating marketing strategies 

Stay Current with Admissions Policies and Procedures

I've learned it is important to stay current with Admissions policies and procedures.


I appreciate having all of the terms defined in a list. That makes my job a little easier with knowing the terms. 

Disclosures and Representations

Its good to understand the difference between a disclosure and a representation. 


Great facts to learn about FERPA. 

Importance of the knowledge of the Programs offering

I learned that programs offering is a highly important part of the institutions, their position and a mission, and our duty is to know our offering in every possible detail. What we offer and how it can be connected with a student success and a better future.

Safekeeping student files

It is important to safekeep all student documents, files, transcripts...How do you make sure, in your institutions, that all of these documents are safe?

What I learned

I learned the importance of the recruitment/admissions job at a higher learning institutions in Florida. I am also aware now that there are very specific set of rules and behaviors that need to be followed, and a permanent learning process to stay informed about changes. It is a lifelong process.

The Human Factor

I learned that agents representing one or more noncertified accredited postsecondary schools must register with the council prior to soliciting in Virginia, also
Pay an annual fee of $300 per school represented


I've learned that the CAN-SPAM Act doesn't apply just to bulk email. It covers all "commercial messages," Also that Each separate email in violation of the CAN-SPAM Act is subject to penalties of up to $42,530


A federal law that protects the privacy of student educational records.

Knowledge with an attitude

Knowledge is great but having a great attitude and approachable verbiage will help you express what you know and what you think you don't know.  Is this a great way to attract students?

Book vendor

Learning about the appropriate response for the book vendor who stated that our school was "the best" was interesting.  Was anyone else surprised by that?