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Students come from many backgrounds. Supporting and encouraging them to come up to standards may be something they have never experienced before.


I think the idea of using a guest speaker is great. It can definitely break up the monotony of lecture which can be difficult for some students to stay engaged with. 


Expectations are critical in this area. Teachers need to be consistant with how they manage those expectations. In dealing with these students, we need to empathetic to situations, but still enforce the expectations/rules. Its about guiding and mentoring students to be better, not treating them like kids. Work together, advise and create action plans to move forward with. 

For me the secret has been, set expectations, hold the student accountible, if an issues arrises- provide guidance and create an acction plan to move forward with, then ensure that acction plan is re-visited and advising is continually happening. 


I give so called particiaption Notes where the students have to answer 2 questions related to the content coverd in a learning unit of the day. If the studnets did not pay attention then they loose an opportunity to gain their extra ponts for that day.


Manuel Mesa

My favorite method is doing huddle groups and giving them equal time to engage, while complementing every step they take.

This was a great section. Thank you for the tips to address each type of student


In this course I have learned the importance of recognizing each student's needs, their attention level and their dedication to the class. It is important to include them in on ways to make the class interesting as well as what to do in the event of boredom. I plan to observe each student individually to monitor their actions and body language.



my name for the two main groups is "lungers and Laggers"

i team them up

I like the idea of the "observer" and the colored cards for speaking. It may for people to have to say something in class also for our shy people.

Seating charts/rotation may be a good idea to put in place also.  


I learned how to better assist students who can be a little challenging to help them succeed

I liked the talk about the student who wanted to be the standout student. I often found this studentt to be one who was not so good with the subject but good with being the class clown. Good points of how to keep them in check


I have a few students in my class who sit in the back of the class in a group and talk and are on the cell phones, so I decided to change  the seating arrangments. I broke up the group  and placed each of them in a different row. I think I like the idea of having the student listen to my lecture and give them 1 min to write down the key points. I usually give a pop quiz the next day on the topic of the lecture.

The instructor needs to develop stratagies to manage the behavior of the "center-stage" student. This is so that each student in the class has equal opportunity for participation, and also so that the center-stage student doesn't take over the leadership role in the classroom (by taking that role away from the instructor.)

The instructor can manage behaviors by delploying stratgies such as giving a set number of opportunities per student to participate in the class.

Delegating the center-stage student to the role of monitor/observer, whereby they take notes on the lecture and then summarize for the class in their own words from the notes they've taken. 

This presentation brought insight and awareness of the differenty type of students. I have also learned how to use various stratagies to keep the flow of instruction going.


These days it's hard to keep one's attention when they are connected to their watch, iPhone, iPad, iEVERYHITNG!  I feel like these devices should all be turned off during class time. 


Reply to Shelley Freshman's post:I totally agree with your comment, Shelley. Every word.

I loved the idea of seating chart, as it's fair to everyone to rotate using the different raws of the classroom, it also provides a little fresh atmosphere every session, so they don't get "too comfortable" in one area.

I have 2 really chatty students in the same class. For the most part, I pair them up on assignments so they can tire each other out. I think I like the observer method because it requires them to stay focused while giving their input.

I have learned how to better control my classroom through effective techniques that can be applied to each individual learner. This will help to keep my studentss better engaged in the learning process.


As an all-online course, it would be easy to skim this section.  However, this information is help in dealing with types of students one on one as well.


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