Susan Porterfield

Susan Porterfield

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When a instuctor expects perfection from a student and talks down to them, it's not the proper thing to do.

Not preparing and planning for your class.

With my angry students or might I say my students that usually want to act out and keep all attention on them, I usually try to include them in all activities and have more one on one conversations and this usually allows them to know that I care and I don' have as many problems with them.

I constantly deal with students who are on their phones, ipads and computers. this is one of the biggest challenges that I face. What helps me with this is giving them Rubric grading assignments, which are hands on assignments that basicly keep them more grounded in the class.

What I have taken from this is to make sure I have something in place to show for missed assignments and late work.

I want my students to always know that no matter what the disability, they have options and I want to be more encouraging to them in class. So they have nothing to fear.

I myself have a learning disabilty , I don't allow it to discourage me in any way. 

I never heard of Dyspraxia, it was interesting to learn that they have a low level of spacial awareness. I want to study more on this subject especially for students that I may have dealing with this issue.

I found it to be very intersting that there were different phases to learning disabilities. I would like to expand my knowledge more on the different phases of learning disabilities, as well as apply this knowledge to how I teach students with disabilities.

The way I measure my students mastery of a skill that we learn in Cosmetology is by using grading Rubrics , in that way they are able to show me mastery of the skill that we have been working on in class.

when working on my chapters for theory I use Multiple choice question which seems to work better for them.

I will have my questions planned out for my students, and allow them the time needed to answer the question and restate the question in a similar manner but in simpler terms where they can understand.

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