Damita Carter

Damita Carter

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Make it a habit to learn your students' names. It helps to show the students that you care about them.

Paying close attention to your students will also enable you to recognize emerging problems. Recognizing these problems allows you to prevent them from escalating into something major. Successfully monitoring students represents good student/class management.

Students who are inattentive in class are generally those students who typically lack understanding of the course requirements. As an instructor, reevaluate my approach, tone, and expectations. 

 Set standards for missed assignments. Note that a 10% variable of missed assignments, however, will not always be from the same students. 

Educational records can be released to parents if the student is deemed as dependent by the IRS, written consent, or due to alcohol or drug abuse. 

One does not necessarily have to be employed by the institution to have access to student records.  Sole possession notes once left in a file or otherwise transferred to someone else are no longer considered sole possession. 

As an instructor, offering students learning techniques that will assist them in learning content for application must be delivered. Developing information retention strategies that will make memory retention easier is a must.

If I am not excited and enthusiastic about the course, my students won't be either.

Reassure students that they can do well in the course, and tell them exactly what they must do to succeed.

The retention of many students is the direct result of the career goals. I can help them to refine their goals as they become more confident and established in their training sequence.

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