David Hatley

David Hatley

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I learned in this module that it is important to motivate and inspire your students,, lead them by example in a sense so they kind of see that you know what you're talking about and keep your head on straight so you don't come off as someone who knows everything because there will come a time when the student may show you something as well.

this module set out some examples of how to retain the student's attention to keep them involved in the class, you're teaching in many different ways I learned that you could go about teaching the students by implementing some of your life lessons into the class that you're teaching.

I feel my teaching is going to be through the way of leading by example, that's how I have always been able to learn best, being able to show and pick up by doing.

From this course I have come to see that there are multiple ways for people to learn, I for one, learn hands on, I'm going to try and teach them in a way that they can learn through my eyes, so they can implement what they're taught from me in my class.

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