Using the REFOCUS method is a great way to keep yourself engaged as an instructor as well as maintain the concentration levels and motivation for the students in the class.
In this model, it was reemphasized on the importance of building rapport with your students. This is very important because students must feel like they are respected and valued. Instructors contributing to building rapport are invested in the learning process of their students, as well as creating connections that will help to promote a better learning experience.
I really like the emergency crisis simulation. I previously did something slightly different but this is better. Other than that good discussion on story every 20 minutes to refocus students and keept he story on point.
From this section of learning it reminded me that keeping things fresh are important. As an instructor, to us the material seems old, mundain, we have read it, taught it, multiple times. It is important to keep in mind that it is the first time the new students are hearing. We need to keep it as exciting as the first time we taught it.
I like the situation game. I think that would help students.
Giving ways to apply past class learning in novel ways at certain points is a strong idea.
Be geniune with students. They tend to pick up and subtle clues of how you really feal.
This module offered strategies to maintain instructional momentum, but the presentation solicites the student buy and as the leader we must tie in the learning excersie with the professional standards of care and positive client outcomes.
Using 3X5 cards for feedback and assessments.
Variety is the spice of life. Keep things fluid, positive, and uplifting. Change can be good.
Learners have about a 15 minute attention span. It is important to draw students into class discussions or involve them in critical thinking.
Seth Soronnadi
Learned that; "A mid-course evaluation will give you the pulse of the class. By knowing how the students are progressing in the course, you will know that you are right on course with their training or if you need to make any changes."
Keeping students engaged and forces will help there learning process
This module gave me many ways that I can engage and motivate my students and keep me on the same track so to keep momentum of learning going forward throughout the year. The instructor plays an important role by being positive, energetic and motivated toward bring strategies in his/her instruction to fuel the learning success to all students.
I really liked the crisis game. It allows for application of knowledge and a break from lecture.
Use stories to break up the lecture and keep students interested. You may consider telling an applicable story every 20 minutes or so.
REFOCUS means:
- Recognize
- Empower
- Focus
- Objectivize
- Commit
- Unburden
- Surprise
I really appreciate this acronym as I have in the past felt the creeping tinge of burn out in teaching a class. This is a good reminder to step back and continue forward with renewed purpose.
This modlule gave me lots of ideas on how to keep the students interested in the toopic I am teaching.
The combination of learnativity and establishing rapport with students can set the stage for student retention. Rapport between the instrutor and student can develop mutual respect, trust, and identify common goals that result in an emotional bond. This bond with student can improve classroom managment by decreasing managment issues with students.