Emily Aguirre

Emily Aguirre

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There are many types of behavioral issues that we can come across and the ways to handle them.

The technical difference between synchronous and asynchronous communication in the classroom.  

I really liked the idea of having students post their biographies. Too often, it's just the instructor doing this and a student bio is a great way to get to know them. 

I've learned that my job as an instructor is to deliver my own teaching method but also mastering the CMS.

Storytelling is KEY

The differences between adult and younger learners. Also, being willing to meet the students where they are for a more holistic learning experience

Students have different needs and sometimes we are their only educational support. 

Vary the teaching style and remember humans can only retain between 5-7 new concepts at once

I learned the basics of classroom goal-setting and building a syllabus.

I learned to lead by example and the care that is taken into being professional is one of the most valuable soft skills. 

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