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its best to have a variety of question types to assess knowledge including: multiple choice, true false, matching, completion, and essay


The do's and don't's of the test varieties will help me quite a bit when I administer exams. I like to do a mix, but some questions always seem less robust than others. This will be really nice reference for my future exams, especially the true and false options. I'd like to incorporate more of those.

Assessments should contain elements of the materials that were discussed in class. Not all assessments are the same. 


The key to developing a valuable assessment is to understand at the outset what you intend to measure from the students.


There are multiple ways to develop an evaluation. As a student I've changed my preferences in evaluation forms. 

They are good ways to make sure the instructor is getting the information across to the student.

Presenting the differnt types of testing related to the desired learning outcomes.  These give the instructor a myriad of options to help assess learning.

Test writing of questions for an exams is quite a challenging. One must consider the class as a whole and their learning styles. DO you agree?


This section is helpful on test taking I have a better understanding. I have a better understanding of testing. 

Testing is critical to understand what students have learned and where improvements can be made. While T/F and MC are easy to construct, they do not always assess allow for the instructor to identify areas that the student may be having difficulties understanding. So depending on the type of instruction then the instructor needs to tailor the test to the learning environment such as gathering and organizing info to answer essay questions or objective tests which are more reliable and allow for a broder range of material. 


I learned about different types of tests and when/how to apply different methods and types of questions.


The different testing mechanisms should match what is being tested. If essay question is used, it should state the length the essay is expected to be and the instructor should have a list of acceptable topics/answers that will be acceptable. 


Testing should match what the instructor is looking to test. If terminology is being test, short answer testing would be a great option


Each an every type and style of test has a function in providing an educational assesment of how the student(s) are doing in their courses. One is not more important than others but each has it's pros and cons nontheless. Utilizing a full range of testing types will gauge a more accurate result of the student's strengths and weaknesses in their educational journey


The design of assessment and testing should deliberately account for a variety of factors that improve the quality of questions relative to the type. 

This module explained the various types of testing, when they should be used and how they should be used.  It also covered the advantages and disadvantages

I have been educated on the correct steps utilized to formally construct the different types of questions needed to measure the effectiveness of teaching.


Test preparation is an important aspect to think about. The types of questions chosen for each testing experience have specific uses and can serve different purposes.

I never knew test questions were so important until analyzing the design and INTENT of each question.  Very important to match up the question with the intent. 


Testing is the way to test the information that was retained. The KSA can be found by using a number of methods. Testing to the objective is quick and easy whereas testing to the subjective is more complicated to grade but can test on application rather than recognition. 

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