Virginia OConnor

Virginia OConnor

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Offering quizzes to do a quick check to make sure students are comprehending the information being given. 


I like the idea of using guest speakers and multi media to keep the course engaging. 


Content needs to be interactive so that students are engaged in the course. 


Take the time to get to know your students. 


Take time to learn about your students and get to know them. 


Modeling allows students to see the expectations of what is being taught. 


Lessson plans are important to keep you organized, but it also helps whenever you may need to miss a day and there are plans for any subs who may need to work for you.


I learned that we need to know our audience in order to deliver effective lessons. 


Increasing students ability to use various forms of technology will make them more hireable in the work force. 


Working in small groups can help build a positive working environment when effective communication is being done


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