Katherine Seidl

Katherine Seidl

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I thought the A-B-C-D for writing Objectives was helpful.

Importance of lesson plans. It's always nice to be abe to look at other lesson plans for additional perspectives etc. 

A lot goes into lesson prep before you even begin preparing the actual content.

There are multiple ways to develop an evaluation. As a student I've changed my preferences in evaluation forms. 

Learned the importance of assessments. Too often we hear assessment and think it's a written test...like a spelling test you took in grade school. However, this is not the case; there are multiple types of assessments and it is our responsibility to determine the best type/form of assessment for our students. 

Using Socrates as the foundation for a class on Critical Thinking. 

The opportunity for students to ask questions on a forum/anon method and then discuss the next day in class; helpful if the student is not comfortable asking questions publicly. This also allows the instructor time to prepare. 

I enjoyed the different practical examples of alternative ways to teach material that would normally alienate those students who learned via different mediums than which you were presenting. 

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