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Prepare yourself ahead of time and make sure you are able to deliver the message by incorporating different methods. of instruction. 


Lectures are a great way to present in a classroom setting, but being detailed and concise can get the information across. Establishing rapport and being approachable can change the dynamics of the classroom environment because students feel heard. 

Mixing up your style of teaching so students won't get bored, and practicing your course before delivering it.

Delivery of course content successfully, requires that the instructor consider learning styles of the audience and use a variety of pedagogy. 

I think it’s essential to gain a good understanding of how the class retains information and then adjust the instruction method accordingly.

I learned how important it is to have varying teaching styles, especially as a lecturer. By varying how you present, you keep more students engaged and on their toes!

Qualities of a good lecturer: They have the ability to be storytellers, actors, and experts all while sharing course content. They keep the interest of the students while sharing knowledge. Grab students’ attention with your opening. Use a provocative question, startling statement, unusual analogy, striking example, personal anecdote, or powerful quote.

And I like the mini-lecture idea. I had an instructor that would talk about a completely different idea once an hour to give your brain a little break. Also being mindful of long procedures. Break down procedures into small, incremental steps. Research has shown that humans are generally capable of handling only 5 to 7 instructional steps at a time. Keep your instructional steps to this general range.


There are different learning styles, combining all learning styles during course instruction is likely best to reach all students. 

For clinicals it will be important for me to remember that students learn in three ways: trial by error, observation, and hands on. 

Be very tactical with how long lectures are and intermix it with activities to keep students engaged

Different student learn in different ways and that by implementing many different learning styles in my courses, my students will have the best chance at success.

Proper preparation is needed. Record yourself, teaching the classes to see what you can do better.

Prep materials ahead of time, go for a dry run to gauge timing, record self for self feedback, vary methods of delivery, use 15 mins blocks to maintain attention span and allow time for questions. 

Be colorful with your teaching style(s)-it makes learning fun and engages students!

It's important to structure demonstration and have it rehearsed for accuracy prior to presenting. 

I try to do this for every new class. I like that we are expanding on it. That was really helpful

Preparing ahead of time will give you results that are rewarding. Everyone learns in different ways.  Give productive feedback positive/opportunities.  

a lesson plan keeps you focused on how to prepare for each class session and you want to create an opportunity for students to learn something about themselves. 

Going forward I will try to implement more strategies other than lecture to engage the students. I like the idea of 15-18 minute increments on lectures, cutting out chunks as necessary, and never skipping the summary. I would also like to record myself to improve my lectures.

Preparation for demonstrations is critical. Rehearsals or practicing before a demonstration allows for adjustments. It is also important to remember one has probably delivered the material numerous times, but it is the first time the students have seen it. So, the slow and deliberate demonstration will save time. 

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