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Be creative, be competent, be personable = student engagement and success.  I plan on writing this on an index card and keeping it visible during my classes.

People only retain 40% of what they read and 25% of what they hear.  

Practice the demonstration first, and should you notice multiple students making similar mistakes, address the class as a whole. 

Prepare, practice, and be flexible.  Teach in "chunks" and change teaching styles to reach different learning styles. 

How to become a good teacher. Taking the time to prepare before class so the class is set up for success. How students and people have different learning techniques and how to incorporate them. 

be properly prepared for your lessons. be able to reach all students and their learning capacities 

Learning to pace one's self is important in the delivery of your lesson plan. I would like to focus on that aspect to make sure I don't run over or under the class time. I plan to allow enough "breathing room" in the lesson for students to ask questions prior to moving forward. By doing this I will have a way to double check that the students are understanding the lesson without leaving anyone behind.

Be aware of the various learning styles and incorporate them into your course.  This method will provide the greatest amount of students the opportunity to learn the material being taught.

Determine the lesson content, goal(s).

Provide a rationale (why do they need to learn this, objectives, delivery methods, materials and aids.

The lesson plan are guiding principles - not strict blueprints. 

Preparation must allow for flexible delivery. 

Ad-hoc adaptations will add an element of artistry to any lesson plan and delivery

Develop flexible teaching strategy – one size does not fit all in terms of each student especially adult students who have become used to being a certain way. 

Vary your delivery to address as many learning styles as possible.

Lecture format flexibility and variety to keep students focused and break up the monotony. 

Using a variety of lecture methods will keep the students engaged and alert to the rooms discussions and will hopefully create more engagement between students and instructors, along with getting to apply what's been discussed in lab in the shop right away to create a positive "I've learnt something today attitude and student is excited to apply the new knowledge. that creates a positive reinforcement of the days lesson plan.

A varied teaching style keeps students engaged and dedicated to the learning process. Everyone learns differently, and you must try to reach as many students as possible.

Using different styles of teaching based on audience.  Breaking demonstrations up into smaller segments.

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I will definitely do demonstrations beforehand so I am sure of what I am doing to teach the class. I love PowerPoints and how they are good resource for teaching. I would also vary my teaching style to reach as many students as possible.

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Varying my teaching styles to reach many students at their level. Practice my demonstrations beforehand. 

It is important for all instructors to use several different learning styles when creating a class. 

practice demonstrations before class

The best way of teaching is by making the course and interactive course in which the students work together and I get to work with them as well.

This gave me a better idea of how to break up a lecture especially when the attention span is only 18 minutes.

When planing, consider different learning style.

keeping lectures s15 or less  with different approaches for all 

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