Cheryl Cassiano

Cheryl Cassiano

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I like the idea of a more interactive/group process for the icebreaker. Also, the importance of reminders of due dates. 

Very useful tips on how to help students with learning disabilities. Have any techniques helped in the past? Auditory or visual enhancements. More time. 

Great information on how to assist students that English is a second language. From the bare basics of learning the letters and corresponding sounds, to putting the word into a meaningful sentence and all that falls between. 

Now I understand why at my previous job, for group activities, they would go through the room assigning each person a number, 1-5 (or however many groups they wanted). Then the groups were completely random and of equal size that were not too large. Makes sense now!

The pause after a question or important point. I had a professor who would color code his powerpoint lecture points and had a very distinct accent. He would stop and point at the important points, which were in red, "is this in red? is this important? could you see this in a test question worded like this? could you see this in a test question worded like that?" It was an accelerated course and we all passed with flying colors due to his teaching methods. You would literally hear his voice in your head while taking the exam and see… >>>

Grading can be very complex. As the clinical instructor, it seems a little more straightforward. Either the student can perform the skill, verbalize understanding of concepts/medications . . . or not. I like to pose questions that allow the student to elaborate on what steps they would take to problem solve or take care of a patient. I know what key points I expect them to touch on and give the points that way. 

I think it's very important to know the baseline of knowledge the students are coming in with. Many of the nursing students are MAs or CNAs and have a lot of medical terminology and basic patient care experience. While others have none and need more of the basics and fundamentals to be on par with those peers.

I also like the idea of switching to a new activity if the attention of the class begins to wander. 

I had never heard of the 10-20-30 rule and will implement that into PP. Also, utilizing different media sources to keep the attention of students and not rely on only PP or one type of media. 

I liked the idea of different colored papers for handouts. Also, managing my time in the mornings in order to avoid feeling rushed and appearing more organized. 

Qualities of a good lecturer: They have the ability to be storytellers, actors, and experts all while sharing course content. They keep the interest of the students while sharing knowledge. Grab students’ attention with your opening. Use a provocative question, startling statement, unusual analogy, striking example, personal anecdote, or powerful quote.

And I like the mini-lecture idea. I had an instructor that would talk about a completely different idea once an hour to give your brain a little break. Also being mindful of long procedures. Break down procedures into small, incremental steps. Research has shown that humans are generally capable… >>>

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