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Students like a variety in deliver to help keep them focused.


Prepare to used diferent ways of teaching,

Videotaping lectures is something I had not tried before. I can see how valuable this could be in the improvement of my teaching skills. 

I learned the differences between Headline, Summary and Objective.

Having a good delivery option is easier when teaching a class.


Lecturing for an extended period of time is ineffective for many reasons, the least of not being that the adult attention span is only 15-18 minutes.  Additionally, lecture delivery rarely takes into account the needs of differentiated learners.  Even auditory learners need a break from a lecture, so by providing instructional variety, a professor can help to ensure students remain focused and engaged with the curriculum. 


I need to remember that the average attention span of the adult learning is less than 18 mins. By keeping lecture segments to 10-15 mins with discussions, demos, and learning activities, this will help to keep engagement and motivation up. Each individual learner also has a specific learning style and the instructor must vary the teaching approach to accomodate all learners. 

It si important to stick to lesson plans, vary your teachings styles, and present materials that allow student to get involved during class time.


Varying your delivery to address as many learning styles as possible is absolutely vital. When you vary your instructional delivery to address as many learning styles as you can, it maximizes the opportunity for different students to comprehend and apply what you are teaching. Good stuff!

Create lesson plans with multiple learning/teaching styles in short increments will help build success for you and your students. 

Keep lectures 15-18 mins at a time. Use a variety of teaching styles. Don't read lectures. Have a opening that grabs the students attention.


Use varied technics to keep students attention. Mini lectures work well because we can only take in about 18 minutes of onfo.

Know my course. Everyone learmns differently and I will tweek my teaching style for each individual as needed.

Having known the aptitudes and base knowledge of my students, I select the best teaching strategy , and I deliver the learning material in the simplest, direct way, at the same time, being creative enough to keep the students interested and focus in their learning of the given material

One size does not fit all.  Find multiple interestiing ways to present and reinforce content.  This way you address a variety of learning styles.

Dana Redmond


Offering a variety of teaching methods will engage students in a postive manner. Recognizing the different learning styles allows for a more cohesive course experience. Teaching mini sessions that focus on 10-15 minute time periods help keep more folks engaged in the learning process.

In this module, I have learned the importance to produce multi-sensory learning in the didactic courses.


To investigate and evaluate delivery methods to facilitate learning of material more effectively

Effective methods to allow students to stay ofcused on lecture material, while delivering the information in ways that are easy for students to learn

As an instructor, it's important to consider different learning styles and to present information in different ways to maximize learning for every student 

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