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Keep steps down to 5-7 as our unstanding wanes after that point.

I love the idea fo intentionally having students learn somthing about themselves and then talk about it. I think great learning happens this way because it attaches emotion to it, which makes it memorable. 

do lectures in 10 to 15 mins increments students may not reatin much informtion if there is to much given to them

People learn in differnt styles and it is essential for the eductor to ensure that the proper delivery of learning. So that variety of teaching methods makes the course more interesting and learning will be successful.

Less than 15 minutes is best, and only 5 to 7 steps at a time. It is interesting that the teaching method needs to be cycled to keep it fresh.

Keeping students engaged in the course is imperative. Laying out various teaching methods and creating different projects will help keep them engaged and retain the necessary information. 


I have to teach using a variety of teaching methods and lecture methods to ensure that I'm reaching all of my students.  


When you presenting a demonestration or a practical method, do not explain more than 5-7 steps at a time.

Making preplans is a must

Practice your project you are going to show to the students

Use different teaching styles

Use computer technology to your advantage


Need to develop good lesson plans.

Prepare for any adversaries

Use computers and take advantage of the digital technology


Use a variety of teaching and learning techniques to keep students engaged. When demonstrating skills, practice first, try to keep it to 5-7 steps, and have a backup in case the demonstration does not go as planned. 

I have learned several tips and strategies to help students learn . First prepare , prepare , prepare !  Arriving early ans practicing any demonstrations  for students . As the instructor prepare your lecture to be relevant and a number of teaching styles . 

Prepare and pratice your lecture, make sure  they have a verity of leaening styles.  Demonsrations should  be 5 to  7 steps. 

Keep teaching down to 15 minute increments to help students retain the content.  Allow for hands-on activities for kinesthetic learners. 

This section helped me understand how best to create and prepare course content in a way that is stimulating and motivational for my students. 


Through "Delivering Course Content" module, I learned about different learning styles and different lecture formats and delivery options.  I can apply these different formats to maximize the class' understanding of the material.

There are different ways to teach. Lecturing is one of the oldest but also has to be creative, education, and captivating. People have an attention span of 15-20 minutes therefore make those minutes count. 


There are many ways to teach. trying to inlude lecture/audio/visual is best as it captures most students. students have an attention span of 15-18 minutes so mini lectures are best. 

Be observant in how you deliver the content to students by demonstration. Practices before learning sessions can increase the numerity and likelihood of overall retention.

I have learned different ways of giving lectures to students.


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