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I learned that using a variety of teaching methods will be instrumental in student engagement and learning.


We may have individual learning styles that we prefer, but we need to ensure we are meeting our students learning styles in lecture.

Prepare before teaching a course and always review procedures prior to teaching them.

Create 10-15 minute mini lectures while keeping in mind individuals' atention span is approximately 15-18 minutes.

It just cemented what I already know

Using a variety of teaching methods is key

I learned that instructors should incorporate multiple types of learning styles in their material presentation. This will ensure your teaching reaches every type of learning method. 


When delivering course content, find an organization system that works well for you. Make to do lists, outlines of the lecture, goals, demonstrations ect. Make lecture time 15 minutes then have a discussion or some other activity to keep the students focused and interested. 

I typically vary my delivery in lecture and offset lecture with lab alternating to keep them engaged, but this gave some additional ideas to keep them on task. 

Incorporating different learning modalities is important. Some studetns learn better when they read, some of them learn better with visual aids.

A good lesson plan will help new instructors tremendously. When demonstrating labs make sure all students have a good view and go around to the students when they are practicing the skill and commend them!

Use different methods to teach students that would keep them involved to help them learn.

Always practice demonstration before class to make sure it goes as planned. Errors can distract students from their learning experience. 

Begin engaging the students as soon as the class begins. Prepare demonstrations in advance.


its important to vary your teaching styles


Be sure to teach to all different types of learning styles to adequately address the needs of your students.  Adult attention span usually drops off after 18 minutes so keep lessons organized to 15 minute mini- lectures.  Have students implement new knowledge immediately to make then retain it better and understand the real world application better. 


The most enlightening information I learned was regarding the demonstrations module. I liked how it was broken down, and I'd like to incorporate quite a few of the methods suggested. Specifically, a short review where I can ask students what they've learned and general questions on the topic.

There are many types of learnng styles and I need to address as many as possible for the optimal classroom learning experience


Students need to be reminded that when designing a résumé, they should make strategic decisions and clearly articulate what drives their decision to use a particular stratgey...not just choose one because it feels comfortable. 


Students need to engage in strategic decisionmaking when designing a résumé.  They need to be able to clearly justify why they chose a particular format.  The format needs to reflect their working experience.



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