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First impression last, So be on 3 M's

I appreciate the information on how to engage with your students review the syllabus, and at the end of the class feel like they know where they are going on the course they should not feel like a stranger to the rest of the students what you expect in the course, and hopefully feel like they will have an enjoyable time. 

introduce yourself and express your interest in subject and learn each students name 

Once I have established myself as the instructional leader in the classroom and have covered the basics of the course I may want to engage the class in some different activities that will assist in establishing a learning community within the classroom.

I do like learning the names and think it's important.  Takes a few weeks and in larger classes it's much more challenging.  Overall, it eventually comes.  

Bonding starts on day 1 between students and their instructors. They need to be able to trust the level of experience and expertise in the resepctive field and also learn that the instructor is human 

I learned that the use of a pretest can actually help students. They used to give me anxiety as a student, so if I use this tool, I will make sure to present it to reduce anxiety.

I love the idea of giving the students some background and sharing thoughts about each other, this will lead to more open communication and build trust.

Prepare activities for students to work together and get to know each other.

Using someone's name has value, so put effort into learning them. A good way to do this is have the students sit in the same seats for the first few class sessions. This makes learning names easier.

Don't rush the first day because that sets the tone for the rest of the course.

I'm excited for another new day tomorrow!

The video re: student assumptions was interesting.

This module emphasized the significance of first impressions, introductions, clear communication, and empowering students. I will incorporate this into practice by developing clear and complete plans prior to first class meeting times through the syllabus and other activities.

Introduce yourself, let your students introduce themself. 

hand out the syllabus and explain the objectives and what do you expect from your students.


It's important to introduce yourself to the class so they can see that you are human, and it gives them a better feeling of relation and comfort.

This module reiterated the importance of introduction and first impressions. The first day is my favorite. The awkward curiosity that each student holds. I have my students do an introduction of themselves and their relationship with the subject matter we are going to be covering. I then use the first 5-10 minutes of each class to allow students to reintroduce their connect the previous weeks lessons through discussion of application. 

get familiar with students and their names as well as classroom expectations

It is always important to learn the names of all students and greet them accordingly. Always be ready and prepared for class because it sets a standard for the class and expectations.  

Always take your time and acknowledge you students name by name. They are important.

It's important to introduce yourself, and your background in the class so students know what to expect. Also getting to know the students as well.

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