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learn my students name and make them feel welcomed on the first day. 

There is a LOT to do in that first day, made more complicated by the fact that I work in an accelerated program. I think some of the elements might need to be shifted to the LMS shell, like a welcome video from me about who I am, my background, etc, the syllabus, and a discussion space for students to get to know one another. I do think it is still important to take the time to review course objectives, expectations, how the students will be evaluated, but it would need to be condensed I think. I do like the idea of assigning seats and putting students in groups, maybe giving each name tag a different color for a group activity. It would help me with names and make it easier to facilitate activities on the first day.

Having the students know yourself and each other is critical in their comfort level of wanting to be in class and helping each other out=motivation.

Meet and Greet, as I did in the field with my customers I intend to do with the students. It sets a tone of familiarity and trust. The first day should be light hearted and for everyone to get to know one another. 

The importance of getting to know something about your students and allowing them to know a little bit about you and what your expectations are for the class.  Making sure that the students see you as not only the instructor but a person as well.  

It is very important that an instructor learns the student's names, why they are in class and what they are wanting to learn.

Make your students feel comfortable to come to you if they need help and or advice on the course or certain subject 

Making students comfortable in class is important. Learning the students names shows the instructor is interested in the students as a person and shows you care about them. Being prepared with some introduction games or processes can ease students nerves as they get to know each other and you as an instructor.

To introduce the class and yourself to the students.  Give them some sort of knowledge of what will be covered and about yourself. It's helpful to know your students as well.  Not as students learn the same, try to figure out how you can instruct them the best way you can.

Its important when meeting a class for the first time that we arrive early take the time to introduce ourselves to our students. Take the time to properly introduce yourself. When doing so give brief background on your skills and career.  Also, it is super important to be clear and explain your expectations for the course. 

It is important to create a professional image, by getting to know your students and creating report.

Introducing your elf and past accomplishments and career achievements while opening the floor for them to be able to break the ice and introduce themselves creates a less intimidating learning environment.

I plan to use the 3 M's modeling, managing, and motivating in my classroom. I believe these aspects will support my students in their learning and feeling comfortable. 

It is important to greet students at door on first day, introduce and meet!

learn about your students, this allows better connection 

Learning about your students can improve method of delivery for learning and relatability. 

I intend on using the skills I learned in this module by being myself and creating a space where students can be themselves, while keeping professional decorum. I will also create a space where students feel comfortable learning and asking for help if needed.

its important to greed the student and lern their names it would help the student to not feel nervous

I like students to know that I'm going to ask at the end of class about something they learned during the class that day. Not what they learned the other day, or the night before, but something that was insightful in class the stuck out to them.

Introducing yourself as an instructor is a helpful way to help students be less nervousness as well as giving them an index card to fill out with their personal info so you can get to know them bettter.

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