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Ask a question from your peers to help you in your professional work. Seek different points of view on a topic that interests you. Start a thought-provoking conversation about a hot, current topic. Encourage your peers to join you in the discussion, and feel free to facilitate the discussion. As a community of educators, all members of the Career Ed Lounge are empowered to act as a discussion facilitator to help us all learn from each other.

Are you Listening?

I think one of the biggest challenges I find as a teacher is after I explain a task and I view all the heads nodding in agreement, shortly thereafter I am baffled as I watch half of them doing something completely different. It seems to be the younger students (18-23). I jokingly ask them if when they here me speak, do I sound like the teacher from Charlie Brown/Peanuts? It is frustrating because in the Culinary World, if you are unable to take direction and do exactly what is asked of you, you are destined to fail.

Drawing on Past Experiences

I always attempt to form a linkage between previous experiences and the new concepts and ideas being introduced in the classroom. However, I have found at times, this recollection process can produce negative results based upon the recalled memories and experiences. Has this happened to anyone else?


Even though some career colleges used pretests as an evaluation tool for faculty rather than an assessment tool for students knowledge, I certainly believe in the effectiveness of the pretest. They are a valuable tool in determining not only student knowledge, but in some instances they can give the instructor a hint of the learning abilities of the students. Additionally, pretests can be a guiding light in determining and following course content. At the end of the course a posttest that shows improvement over the initial scores on the pretest sholud be a source of hapiness for the instructor, such a result means mission accomplished.

repitition is the key

When I teach a new chapter I try to do reviews, give examples and do a pretest before exams.This way the students are exposed more to the material.Unfortunatly some students will still have difficulty retaining the information.What alse could be done to help them?

The Learning Process

Students come to career schools with the intention of improving on existing skills and at the same time learn new ones. Sometimes as instructors we do not appreciate or realize the efforts that this adult learners are going through in order to move forward in their careers and life. I am not advocating for a free ride, but we own them a fair chance at learning and reaching their goals. Occasionally, instructors have the tendency to overlook the obvious and not to take into consideration the effects of everyday life into the learning process. Our methodology and teaching practices must comfort to the learning styles and life experiences of our students. we welcome people from all walks of life in our classrooms and sometimes set the standards too high for them to reach success.


To teach students to remember their mother sauce, we use the mnemonic BETHV (Bechamel,Espagnole,Tomato,Hollandaise,Veloute).

pre testing

Pick a topic:I really agree that seems to work out will in most of my classes,I think this interaction is very helpful


Like a teather in Culinary school I have a lot of options. Hands on:lecture, power point and of course the most interesting for the student, Demo and practice.


I am Chef instructor for a Culinary school at Orlando fl. I enjoyed the video, students like to raise hand and ask questions and comment (too much at the same time,they are very concerned by the topic.

managing methods

use different ways students can code lectures

setting expectations

very important to let students know what they have to di

different media

using different media in lecture will help students learn


students need to learn to become contributing members of society


A colleague and I use repetition to try to get students to grasp difficult concepts, and found that our success rate was higher than others in the past who didn't use repetition.

Retaining information is the goal

Hello, Retaining information is the key. In order for the student to apply the knowledge they have to be able to retain and recall.

The content has got to be useful.

Hello, Conecting the use of information with the information gives value and purpose to it. The only problem is that students in new fields may not know what is required.


Hello, Effective learning involves recieving the material, recalling it, using, and storing the results.


Hello, Memory is a tool used to combine new knowledge with previous. In combination we grow and build our base.


Have you ever had problems caused by communication breakdowns when both the message sender and message receiver speak the same language? The difficulty of decoding could be language but what's about prejudices, assumptions, cultural differences and preconceptions!!!


What's if the expectation of the teacher is greater than the school's expectation?