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Using Student Needs as Learning Tools | Origin: ED108

This is a general discussion forum for the following learning topic:

Learning Theory and Practice --> Using Student Needs as Learning Tools

Post what you've learned about this topic and how you intend to apply it. Feel free to post questions and comments too.

Understanding Multiple Intelligences | Origin: ED108

This is a general discussion forum for the following learning topic:

Learning Theory and Practice --> Understanding Multiple Intelligences

Post what you've learned about this topic and how you intend to apply it. Feel free to post questions and comments too.

The Learning Process | Origin: ED108

This is a general discussion forum for the following learning topic:

Learning Theory and Practice --> The Learning Process

Post what you've learned about this topic and how you intend to apply it. Feel free to post questions and comments too.

This was an excellent lesson and I learned a lot! Now I want to know more!

What this lead me to was to consider other aspects of aging on the brain.  Yes, I know that 'exercising' the brain and learning new skills (new language / musical instrument) are very good ways to stimulate neural pathways, but what else can we do adult learners who are nearing 50 and older to help them?

Encouraging students to memorize

How should you encourage students to increase their memory?

making immediate applications

When learning new information one must find the relevance of information learned or the information can not be applied and therefore cast away or save in storage until it can be applied,

critical thinking

if you focus to narrowly you can come up with a solurion, but it might not be the best solution. You may also pick a short term solution that sets you up for issues down the road.   If you are open to consider all options you can hopefully avoid this pitfall.  Having it pointed out might help avoid it in the future.

Helpful course.

This was a good revision of bsic educational concepts with some good classroom strategies.

Ed 116 Critical thinking .

the course was very stimulating ; I found it stimulating and useful.

clear the path

How do we as instructors clear the path to those that are lazy to think?

Teaching Others

I have been teaching adult learners for nearly 10 years and I often find myself more interested in what they can teach me. I find myself, in the beginning of the course, spending much of our time discussing their careers and experiences. We try to turn those experiences into informational bits that all students can use as tools. My role is more of a facilitator than a teacher. I try to learn how and what they think, there experiences and their trials. Often times, I use older students as my sounding board for insight and opinions. They often times are more apt to respond tham younger students. Many of them have that confidence and are not ashamed or nervous about sharing. It really makes for a much better course and discussion.


Plan your work, work your plan, plan to suceed. Fail to plan. plan to fail. Most like to be lead, told each step, then want a grade on how well they followed.

my understanding

I can not ask questions at this time, i need to go back and read the article again and get a better understanding

what was the most important fact you learned from this course?

understanding studients learning needs.

Review Methods

What types of review methods to you find to be the most beneficial?

Great information

I am always looking for new stratagies

Adult Learning Theories

It was very interesting to learn the different adult learning theories.


Which one's do you find most useful?

Similar Reflections

I use the same method in helping the students solve simple problems by using critical thinking. I let them reflect on current day to day issues that everyone can relate to that is similar in solvong problems


How learning Works

"that adults with reading difficulties have been able to develop coping methods that have enabled them to succeed in spite of their reading problems" What are the ways of identifying these students cooping methods? Do we conduct a verbal, written or oral  assessment test or do we just obsrve their behavior? Suppose you find out what their coping methods are and you confront them about it but they refuse to open up about their coping methods, what then?