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Ask a question from your peers to help you in your professional work. Seek different points of view on a topic that interests you. Start a thought-provoking conversation about a hot, current topic. Encourage your peers to join you in the discussion, and feel free to facilitate the discussion. As a community of educators, all members of the Career Ed Lounge are empowered to act as a discussion facilitator to help us all learn from each other.

How learning Works

"that adults with reading difficulties have been able to develop coping methods that have enabled them to succeed in spite of their reading problems" What are the ways of identifying these students cooping methods? Do we conduct a verbal, written or oral  assessment test or do we just obsrve their behavior? Suppose you find out what their coping methods are and you confront them about it but they refuse to open up about their coping methods, what then?

Flipping the Classroom

Hi, Has anybody tried the 'flipping the classroom' teaching model/delivery style?? In his 2009 paper, Eric Mazur (2009) outlined his teaching delivery model that might be useful for the delivery of the adult learning. Essentially, Mazur conducts minimal delivery but instead provides the learners with problems to think about individually and then discuss in small groups. "provides frequent and continuous feedback (to both the students and the instructor) about the level of understanding of the subject being discussed" Eric’s theorem links in with a current buzzword in teaching practice titled ‘flipping the classroom’ essentially where the instructor gives the learners new material such as a classroom based task/problem and/or a reading/video (YouTube link etc.) task. The following lesson, class time is used to carry out the assimilation of the knowledge and the instructors role is facilitate discussion, debates and problem-solving mini sessions. Any suggestions or prior knowledge using this teaching approach would be welcomed. Thank you in advance Elliot

How to create an environment that facilitates concentration.

Hello, I am interested in receiving feedback regarding how to create a classroom environment that foster's concentration. While each student holds their subjective needs for room qualities, such as ambient sound, color, etc. I am curious about insights regarding was to create an environment of concentration despite these subjective preferences. I am curious if there have been any strategies that have been utilized previously by other instructors that may garner functional ideas in this comprehensive question. Thank you for your consideration and input. Take care.

Language Barriers

Any suggestions on how to instruct and receive feedback from students with a language barrier?

Theory of Learning

I tend to support Howard Gardner's theory of learning. In my classroom I have been involved with many learning styles because I have older and younger students that require different classroom teaching strategies in the classroom. Some students have demonstrated strengths in some areas and some have not. Some of my students enjoy reading, standing in front of a class and providing lectures on certain topics, other student's enjoy computations, while others learn better with pictures and graphics. I try to create a medium for learning in my classroom. To my surprise it works because I use different tools and techniques in my daily teaching approaches.

Learning styles

I find myself constantly rewording and rephrasing a thought or concept to make sure that the different types of learners are accommodated in my class. I use models, draw picture and give real-world examples to cover all learning styles.


I love to use class groups to help the student keep the information they have learned and use it. I also like to use the students as teachers to help them process the information differently.

information to students

student need to take what they already know and apply it to what they do not know. giving the students a chance to do hands on work after they are given the lesion will help them remember the information and be able to apply it later on.

multi learning styles

I use a number of ways to get and keep my class's attention. I use the learning style I have used to receive my own education and the learning styles of my other classmates. I find it useful to use a number of ways to reach all the students.

brain function

when discussing the brain in class, my students are always amazed of how complex the brain is. do you think we will ever know the full function of the brain and what all it can do?

using students nees as learning tool

learning is good


we all have the ability to understand

learning process

students has a great ability to learn

hel[ping student retain course

student have the ability to retain useful knowdege

Strategies for At-Risk Learners

What strategies could you employ an as instructor to strengthen the probable success of students from disadvantaged backgrounds, and/or those who lack the prerequisite work to be successful in college?

CT is bringing the skills together

Each of the parts of critical thinking are dependent on each other to properly and correctly come to the correct conclusions. Choices are free to all human kind to make, we get to chose. However, we do not get to chose the consequences of our decisions. Wise people, think through the short term and long term outcomes. The best that we can do is learn from our choices and those of others that have come this way before us. Too bad, as a country and society, we have forgotten the lessons learned from our ancestors. We will be bound to repeat these lessons unlearned.

Critical Thinking

Leaning how to think is an increasing need that has not been properly addressed in our education programs. It is becoming a lost art. Too much faith has been placed in the news media which has abandoned their ethics and values. I am sorry to say that we, as instructors, need to try our best to teach students how to think and undo this failure of the educational system.

3x5 cards

I like the idea of the 3x5 cards. I use to ask students to name ' 3+ topics' they learned during the evening. I told them this was a graded assignments. If i didn't give them this warning, they would not comlete the assignment. Best wishes, Ms. king

shared experiences

have found that when they share their experiences they connect the subject matter with their future career choices. If they have had a situation happen to them that is part of our subject matter the information sticks with them.

Do students successfully motivate each other?

Sharing classroom and academic expectations, students often have the capacity to serve as their own best support system.