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Ask a question from your peers to help you in your professional work. Seek different points of view on a topic that interests you. Start a thought-provoking conversation about a hot, current topic. Encourage your peers to join you in the discussion, and feel free to facilitate the discussion. As a community of educators, all members of the Career Ed Lounge are empowered to act as a discussion facilitator to help us all learn from each other.

Make It Important

The methods discussed in this lesson regarding retention of information is extremely vital to the learning process and the development of competent graduates. I have found student's will learn the material best when I present it in a format that appeals to their primary learning style, AND underscores the importance of the material in relation to what they plan to do following graduation. Once it becomes "important" to them, they usually get it !!! Reinforcement of the material, once it is learned, becomes their "key" to success.

Inserting relevant/repetive content from previous class into current c

I have asked students in a current class, how material from a previous class that I instructed, applies to the current class. Some students can integrate the information and some cannot. I am concerned with certification exams that cover the entire program, and not only content from an individual class. Comments?


I think we should teach more about learning in High School. I asked a student how they learn. They did not know. If they don't know, it makes it harder for me to help them.

non-limiting examples

I find that examples can be limiting to student exploration; they will use the examples as more of a guideline or template. More examples or no examples? I feel the best direction would be to discuss examples as a critical, questioning process so they evaluate the strengths and weaknesses (independent judgement) of different approaches.

Teaching Human Growth & Development

I really enjoy this course, as a instructor that teaches Human Growth and Development classes it was a good refresher and reinforcement course for me. It also gave me some ideas that I can implement in my next class which is coming up in a week or so. I think as an instructor I can take the best of all that I have learned which will make me a more effective instructor, which will benifit my students, and after all isn't that the goal.

Graphic Organizers

This is a tool I use to use. I will be using it more often again. I like to have the students give examples of the points with visuals they come up with to remind them of needed information. It can be a fun exercise and they get totally involved in the project. Thank you

Role playing

I use role playing as much as I can. I find that students can really get involved. The subject matter and experience allows the student to experience what the pt might feel like if the medical assistant is not listening to them or does not tune into the pt needs. The role reversal and the viseral experience helps the student understand just how important their job performance is and critical to the patients.

Critical Thinking

Being a new instructor, as students come to me and ask me a question for their lab sheets, or the answer to a question we have gone over several time's, sometimes I just want to give it to them. I resist this temptation and usually will turn it around onto them, and ask the question back to them, and let their critical thinking skills shine through. Also, as a new instructor, I may not have the specific answer they are looking for, if I draw a blank, I will usually ask them their question back, and tell them the answer is in their notes, or in the class material.

Bridging gaps

I have many different ages from 18-60 in my classroom. I often use games as strategies to make classmates understand the gaps in generations and also accept the different learning straties to reach all generations gaps.

Different People

As an instructor it is difficult to adapt to different people and the fact that they all learn differently.

Hands on

Most of the students in my field learn hands on and not doing lectures. I can relate 100% to most of my students

How do you convince young adults to embrace critical thinking?

I am a teacher at a post secondary automotive training school. I teach a program where the usage of critical thinking skills will help a student advance more rapidly than a student not applying them - which is true for just about anything. What I struggle with is most student's inability to deal in the "grey area" - that is to say that if they are facing a challenge that isn't a simple black or white task/activity, some will either shut down, stating that "this is stupid" rather than thinking and working through the challenge to come up with a positive outcome. Some students demonstrate proficiency in this skill, but not enough to be able to impact other group members in a way to encourage them to try what they witness from their peer. Any input would be helpful. Thanks in advance.

To ensure all classmates share

We do a huddle before starting our class. Its kind of a discussion group that allows concerns to be brought up so we can meet their needs. While doing this we notice many students do not say anything so we call on them and we sure have brought some students to realize that they like getting their needs met.

Eye-Brain Information Assimilation

I have been told for years that the eye and brain can assimilate 5 things in a second. I discuss this information in my class relative to sizes of information packages and the concept of speed reading. Does anyone know if this statistic is correct and where it may have come from?

Teaching adult learners

I think its important to remember that even though we are teaching adult learners that does not mean that they act accordingly and we as instructors and teachers need to adapt to each individual personality in our class.

Design as a Critical Thinking Process

Design engages critical thinking at every stage of development. The initial concept requires both aprioristic analysis and empirical evicence (deductive and inductive logic), as well as a "creative leap" of the imagination into the proposal that is to be developed. In later stages, as the design process progresses through numerous iterations, decisions become increasingly refined by both research and testing of the design according to logically established parameters. Finally, when the design is complete, it is offered to a wider public for evaluation, which will take many forms and levels of rigor.

Motivating left brain learners

The left brain learners can be motivated through logical exercises

problem solving

there is never an easy way to solve problems so they should be based on the student and situation its not always textbook

critical/analytical thinking

I think that role playing can help students think critically and it also tests how they would respond in a real life situation

Learning 400 new things a year

This doesn't seem like a lot to learn in an entire year of life. I will be searching for ways to make sure my students reserve as many of their yearly allotted "learnings" for my class.