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use of brain puzzles expands thinking

Using mensa puzzles at the beginning of class expands thought processes in our work in forensics

Process of Pruning

Do you think that technology and learning styles has changed the definition of "pruning" or reducing the ways they explore the acquisition of new information. They create for themselves effective and efficient ways of learning new information. I feel like pruning should be taught after the whole process has been learned. today's young adults always want to get to the finish line and not understand the process it takes to get there. Technology is a pro and a con.

Learning in sequence of 3's

I like the idea that when a student has to memorize that they should memorize in sequences of only 3. When they have to learn the 9 steps for preparing a salad, I am sugest to my student this method

Pre Testing

In the field of teaching Graphic Arts pre-testing is essential to understanding the level at which the majority of the class is at, basic understanding of color, value, and composition coupled with software knowledge is inherently connected in today's industry. Without these tools it is impossible for a student to move forward. Sometimes in the teaching of Graphic Arts the software knowledge is stressed to much and not enough awareness of concept and effectiveness in design. It is important that the student becomes aware that after leaving the institution they will be career learners in software changes. They must stay invested in self learning/directing as they are now with their education while in school. Teaching to each students strengths and constantly reminding them that of the challenges that they face when they graduate, while building their confidence is one of the keys. All the while giving them information in manageable parts suggested in the reading.

Multiple Strategies, Individual Meetings in Class.

Meeting with students individually is time consuming. However, finding each students approach to learning and how they learn through their learning preference is attainable. What I do is assign a project that is open for interpretation. Then I will meet with each student individually and discuss the project with them. I gather valuable information and at the same time cater with them the final results of what and how they will complete the project. This helps me evaluate the class as a whole and how I present the rest of the information and cater specific projects to the class for the rest of the quarter.

Retaining information

To help assist the student to retain the information taught, I use visual examples and repetition. For example, when I am teaching a software class, I show them visually how something is done, repeat the process, then have them do the procedure on their own. Doing this in stages helps the student learn better without being overwhelmed.

Learner expectations

While teaching students the same material and having them do the same projects, there is always a difference in how students learn. After demonstrating certain functions to the whole group, I then work one-on-one on certain students who may need that extra push, usually with the same outcome at the end of the term.

Visual learning

Being a visual learner myself, I find it effective to teach "visually". While doing my software demos, not only do I show the student how to do a particular function, the student also has to demonstrate the knowledge received back to me. This seems to get the student involved in the learning process instead of just sitting and watching.

Learning development

I have noticed in computer/software classes, the older students have a more difficult time grasping the material. This by no means indicates they are not capable of learning, it just shows that younger people have been brought up using these new technologies that were not available to the older learners.

technilogical break thrus in cheating

Seems in today's world technological sheating is more exciting then simple doing the work from button hole cameras to wrist scanners students appear to spend more time than if they jsut applied their brains

learn to listen

decoding and recoding is a processing aspect of holding and storing information that can only be realized through the attention of the subject and on how well he is willing to listen. a lot of time people want to listen to only what they want to hear. to change this behavour then we must teach them how to listen as well...

do we have the right expectation?

I can have a grade A in a school setting and still be a failure in my professional life How do we address the fact that sometime school expectations do not always reflect a success in real professional life expectation?



the genome factor

what about the instinct of survival, does it use concrete perception, abstract perception or both


I have used pretesting for quite some time and I have used this method for two different reasons. First, it can be used to show the students what they can learn and achieve from this course, and secondly it is used by myself to guage thier competency level. This allows me to adjust my level of input to thier needs and understanding. Lastly, on the last day of class I like to return thier pretest to them so that now they may visualize what they accomplished in my course.

Multiple Intelligences and Brain Research

I am wondering if, since Gardner introduced the notion of mulitple intelligences in the mid-80's, if there has been brain research indicating what the most common tripartite arrangements are, what the least common are, and why this is so in each case? In my own experience I routinely run into verbal/linguistic-visual/spatial-and musical/rhythmic learners. In second place are visual/spatial-musical/rhythmic and a third dominant, which can be any of the others, but is most often logical-mathematical.

Technology and Memory

I am fascinated by observing my younger students, whose interaction with technology is seamless. I have students who will take pictures of the board, instead of write down notes, students who take notes on their phones....These are things we've probably all seen. I am interested in a larger discussion of how effective this use of technology is in the retention of information?

Retention and Transference Statistics

The module specified that for information to be retained and transferred to long term memory, students must repeat the procedure 45 times and/or for 30 consecutive days. I would like to know what specific research supports these figures. I have heard variations on this and would like to be able to document the validity of these numbers by referring to the professional research source. Thanks.

Kinesthetic Options

I teach English composition and would like to have more suitable strategies for the tactile learners in my classroom. Would having students write an essay on the computer (after a lesson on how to write) be an example of a kinesthetic exercise? Thanks.

Abstract vs. Concrete Thinking

I found the fifth question on the quiz about concrete vs. abstract application of knowledge problematic. It stated that "The instructor of a culinary arts program asks her students to identify the differences between natural and processed cheeses." I realize that concrete thinking involves the 5 senses, but the module defined abstract thinking as "seeing connections and applications." Had the instructor asked students to define or list the qualities of each type of cheese, I can clearly see it would be concrete. But identifying differences between two different things, to me at least, sounds like an example of "seeing connections," which would constitute abstract. Would you clarify this problem for me? Thanks.