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Explaining at the beginnng of each course the importance of time management, being able to find a quiet place, no interruptions is very important for the sucess of the online course

Students need both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. 


It is important to help students make a good time line and learn how to prioritize.  Let them know we are all in the same boat and be there to help guide them through the processes.


As a new insturstor there's a lot of new techniques that i need to be aware of,but the one thing that i do realize is everyone learns differently. I would imagiane most students learn by visualization expecially in Hands-on technical programs. I would love to see how we can incorporate more visualization in these online classes in the future. 


Motivation is critical to all online learners but also its important for the faculty to understand their strengths and weaknesses as a online learn. 


I think it is important to understand the online course from a student's perspective.  This will help the instructor see if the course is well organized and that enough time is given to complete assignments.

It is important to not only asess the students online learning abilities but also yourself as an instructor.


Helping students understand that time management is critical. They need to spend as much or even more time on their work than they do in a traditional setting. 


I have always been a believer that students are in control of their educations.  This has reaffirmed my belief. However,  through online learning, the students may need some additional assistance to get started.  As an educator, I need to remember that it is not only a learning process for me it is for them as well. I need to make sure the syllabus is clear and concise so the student understands what is expected of them. I must stress the importance of time management. 


Encouraging students is important.  Allow accommodation for disabilities as well.

I think one of the key issues is motivation. A recognition that motivation is mainly the responsibility of the learner, but as the facilitator of the learning experience, there is an important role for you. An equally important insight is that motivation can be intrinsic or extrinsic and neither should be overlooked.  


THere are several important things to remember when facilitating an online course.  Students must self-assess to determine their strengths and weaknesses as they pertain to online learning.  Providing accomodations to online learners is also an important component of online teaching and must be considered.

Mary Downs

As the instructor, it is important to evalutae my circustances to see if I will be an effective on line instructor.  I need to focus on the students abilities and disabilities.  I need to be aware of student accomadations and convey to the student the importance of Time Management and how to organize to complete work.  Motivation is very important.


It is important for the teacher to understand their students needs so you can help and give them strategies to be successful in the online environment. Creating a survey can help both parties be successful once everyone understands their online student's strenghts and weakiness.

Having a consistent process for how assignments are posted and work is turned in.  


We must prepare students for online learning. Know who they are and what motivates them is key.

It's important to allow the students to showcase their experience and knowledge. 


Great info!

Time management is so vital to online learning success, so providing some order to this that works for each student is vital.  Setting a time for work each day and a calendar to monitor due dates will be very important to most students' success.


I really liked this module and understanding about students' special needs and accommodations. Very good information. 


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