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I have kept all of my teaching material for 20+ years. I have used a great deal of that material to enhance the online experience. I believe the Formative evaluations benefit the students a great deal. I do incorporate a fair amount of dynamic content in my courses.


As a computer technology teacher my material requires contant revision.

Most individuals think that summative course evaluations basically provide feedback as to whether instructors:

  • Are knowledgeable about the subject matter, 
  • Communicate well, 
  • Establish an appropriate grading schema,
  • Are timely in their feedback, and
  • Are excellent teachers.


ADDIE is a continuous process.

I plan to utilize the Stop, Start, Continue evaluation in my courses.  I agree that making small changes throughout the course is better than waiting until the end.

always udate content for future reference also


Keep your course current, interactive and relative.

Start using formative and summative startegies and continue to update the syllabus


It is important to make sure you ask for feedback and review the feedback that you receive in order to decide if the feedback will help your online course and teaching skills.  After receiving feedback, you need to decide if you are going to use that feedback to make revisions or not. Not all feedback is going to be used. 

There are two types of course revisions, formative and summative revisions. Formative revisions should be completed quickly, they provide minimal changes. Summative revisions may provide detailed information that needs to be analyzed and assessed for appropriate revision. These revisions usually take 1 to 2 weeks. 


Take your course evaluations serious and use them to better yourslef as an educator.

Formative and Summative course revisions are essential to use in order to make on line courses better and more benificial for the students.


Not being afraid to be evaluated by the students frequently will be beneficial to me and my students.  Updating course content.

Stay up to date with course revisions in real time, rather than waiting at the end of the course. Also, keep a log of our course changes and updates in case you want to go back to an earlier version.


formative revisons can be done while course is in session, summative take longer and should be done at end of course. I like the odea of a course repository for old documents o be able to reus ethem later.

I've gained perspective on how to save time and energy. Much of this I have been doing intuitively, but this serves as an excellent opportunity for fine-tuning practices. 


Be ready and flexible for change.


Revisions to instruction is a ongoing process. As you are doing your revisions you should keep copies of courses so that they can be obtained in their original content.

Be open to change the way you teach it is not set in stone be willing to change remember you are putting out things they need to know but sometimes tweaking is needed to get point across to all students not everyone learns the same way we as instructors may need to adjust our information flow to reach all students

Workload Management Strategies for Teaching Online --> WLMS for Course Revisions

Instructors need to seek Professional Development and can be both formal or informal. This improves skills, manges workload, and improves instruction to enhance the learning process.

(ADDIE) Analysis, Design, Developement, Implementaiton, and Evaluation can be used for Course Revision which best derived from a variety of aduinces, Student, Peers, and Aministrators.

Key Elements or Objects should be Dynamic Elements to keep information relevent to providing students learning needs. Formative Revision is dynamic and communicates to students when to Start, Stop, or Continue doing in their learning process.

The importance of keeping course content fresh and up to date and that summative course evaluations may provide detailed information which may need to be analyzed and assessed for appropriate revisions and take longer, typically 1-2 weeks.

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