Michael Tillman

Michael Tillman

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Online assessment requires the proper format to be presented to the student, the instructor needs to know the function of the type of assessment to ensure the student objectives are reached. Feedback from Students can help Instructors adjust to the students needs in relationship to the formats presented Online.

Student Learning styles are different for each student and the level of degree of the styles also varies. Online learning is combination of Synchronous and Asynchronous learning and using both is the hybrid approached to modern learning. CMS Online Learning focuses on fostering participation in both Synchronous and Asynchronous learning, knowing how to drive interaction through the media content will determine the level of learning, the higher the interaction the more learning.

Traditional and Online Learning is similar, Instructors are required to influence, persuade, inspire, and energize their students. Posting a Brief Biography helps establish authority and Students are also encouraged to share their Biography. Key components to the Biography are Academic Background, Employment History, Reason for participating in a course, expectations, and interest and hobbies. Instructors need to keep a presence from a distance, authority from a distance, and establish a relationship with each learner.

CMS Systems and Student Level of Interaction are directly related to Quality of Media. This can be synchronous or Asynchronous and require interaction between Instructor and Students. Knowing the structure of the CMS Online Environment increases quality of the media as the interaction occurs the more often the better for both Instructor and Student which increases learning.

Students are self-motivated (Intrinsic) as adult learners, the motivation is increased as opportunities are presented through course study. The grade is a great reward (Extrinsic); the knowledge is greater in that the newly acquired skills will be rewarded in the workplace often many times over both (Extrinsic and Intrinsic).

Motivation is detected through Student behaviors active learning increases motivation. When students gain security or confidence in learning and given autonomy control in learning increase motivation. Adjustments need to be made in lesson plans if signs of motivation decrease in students. Objectives still need to be achieved through the instruction and balance with student motivation can be challenging.

Course Revision and Improvement can be best achieved by "Closing the Loop" used to assess and compare evaluate through multiple sources. Integrate Quantitative Data gives the What and Qualitative Data gives the Why. Course Revision and Improvement is constant and ongoing.

Grading Rubics need to clearly set Criteria and Objectives through the Title, Objective, Specific Criteria, Points Associated to Criteria, Rows for Totaling Columns and Overall Total, and Grading Scale.

Self and Peer Assessment can be used to working towards better understanding for a better final evaluation. Instructor Assessment Feedback during Self and Peer Assessment helps increase learning and overall understanding of objectives. Meaningful Feedback leads to improved learning.

Online Communication with students needs to dynamic and adjust to the leaning needs of the students. Students come from different backgrounds and skillsets and learning needs to be adjusted through clear communication of the Syllabus and through scaffolding learning objectives in meaningful ways. 

Creating Course Module Templates need to be tested and revised to meet the needs of the audience. Students come in with knowledge and need to expand on what they know by participating in Course content and by testing new skills. 

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