Ron Adams

Ron Adams

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Communication is a priority ,listen and respond to their feedback within limits ( I'm not available 24/7 ) give them several venues of communication have them realize that the response may not be instananeous encourage them to work with other students who may have a better grasp on your question I also have to make it interesting so they stay motivated encourage discussion boards try and discover what it takes to get them motivated and I'm always open to altering my method if it makes it easier for them to grasp a concept I'm trying to get across 

Critical thinking and problem solving go hand in hand create the problem present it to your students have them get together use their heads and see if they can resolve it by running scenarios that may or may not work collaborate together apply the "fix" check it out if it doesn"t work check your steps think about it and you will begin to understand that there is more than one way to resolve an issue have the students use their thought procecesses in collaboration and they will learn without you doing it and theĀ  lesson will stick in their headsĀ … >>>

All my life all my teaching has been in the field not that learning online is bad I can point the students in the right direction let them hunt for the answers join forces with each other and be available for questions they may have on whatever stumbling point they may run across but in my case hands on and F2F are needed to make sure they are ready to face the real world in my subject and I can see where rubrics are going to be an immense help during the grading process and making sure I am presenting… >>>

have a plan A have a backup plan B make sure your students under stand that the load is on them don't overload the student give them the info in easily digestable chunks assure them that your are there to enlighten them or clarify the lesson or goal you want them to achieve so that course info is not boring easy to digest and your are there to assist them in the learning process if they hit a snag and hope their technology is working to their advantage so they can learn the subject without you having to give them… >>>

Give them a challenge ,impart the knowedge give them the tools ,let them work it out be watchful be encouraging if it doesn't work have them check it give them a hint see if they can figure it out most people like having to solve the problem that means they have found the path you pointed out and most of the time they retain the knowledge because you made them look for it and they discovered it on their own without you having to hold their hand when they get that aha moment you know you taught them something they… >>>

Be open to change the way you teach it is not set in stone be willing to change remember you are putting out things they need to know but sometimes tweaking is needed to get point across to all students not everyone learns the same way we as instructors may need to adjust our information flow to reach all students

Be supportive let group discussions go on unless you need to interject when they stray from the point communication is the key to learning make sure that they know you are paying attention and ready to help as needed without taking over the discussion

Manage your time set your limits organize ! make sure your students understand your contact times because their is life after the day is done and you and your students don't burnout with an overload and neither do you

Being a course supervisor is a plateful right off the bat but some students need that extra lifeline to complete assignments and I'm more than willing to assist with a FAQ or an e-mail they just have to realize it might not be a rapid response because I want them to be qualified at the end of the course and be real satisfied with the learning experience

Learn about your students so your students can learn from you follow the 7 principles of learning encourage them to interact with each other and you professionally and properly so they can grasp the learning and time management whisch depending on the individual can be daunting at times always let them know that you are available but you will respond to their issues that may arise and will assist them in dealing with it with proper words and respect everything can be adjusted or dealt with noyhing is set in stone everything is malleable

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