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It is important to provide feedback and maintain communication with students because of the nature of online learning. As a facilitator, you must find a balance so you do not overwhelm students and yourself. Feedback should be clear, concise, and effective. 

The instructor’s goal regarding workload is to develop procedures and policies that encourage, force, push, or motivate students to communicate with you and their peers in the online classroom.

The instructor’s goal regarding workload is to develop procedures and policies that encourage, force, push, or motivate students to communicate with you and their peers in the online classroom.

Feedback is more important in the online environment.  It is essential to learning.  Teachers should not respond immediately to every post.  Remember to be the "guide on the side".  Be sure to respond to messages within 24 hours or 48 hours during non work days.


An online instructor is essential in the success of online students. An engaged instructor will produce engaged students.


Communication-- and different strategies of communicating-- must seek to overcome the obstacle of no F2F interaction with students and instructors.  Possibly the most valuable hint in this unit was to offer bonus points if all members of the group (less than 6) achieve a certain scoreon a project.  That could incentize the members of the group who don't wish to participate, and adds value for the hard workers who are extrinsically motivated.

Support and feedback are important to an online student. This helps the student with their online studies

When communicating, instructors need to be transparent. They need to be clear and concise with expectations, model professional writing, and provide both public and private feedback.


As in the classroom, feedback online is imperative.  Emailing students for various reasons requires effort and good communication skills.  Being a near-constant presence for students helps them be more successful. 


It is important to give feedback to the students'.  Send short messages praising the student's on their discussion/

It is essential to provide prompt and frequent feedback throughout the course timeline. I must set communication guidelines and properly model behavior I expect from my students. I must also set consequences for those guidelines. Guidelines must be clear and consise. Time lines must also be clear within the guidelines. Essential for prompt communication is teaching and giving examples appropriate communications. Through my syllabus and course intro students can access the important info they need. Teaching students the importance of and how to utilize the course syllabus is key.


Online students need more support and feedback. It does take more time in teaching online since the virtual classroom needs to be made for the students to have easier understanding and comprehension of the course.

Clear and concisee communication and frequent, continual feedback remain at the forefront of success, but the last unit added in the importance of student collaboration, giving the students the opportunity to "buy in" to the importance of interdependence and student control working in small groups.

In the Workload Management Strategies (WLMS) for teaching online course, module three titled, WLMS for Communicating and Collaborating, I learned that hearing and seeing an online instructor is an important way to personalize the online educational experience. Communication for students is critical to create an enriched learning community. The course syllabus needs policies and procedures which will help to ensure a smooth-running course. The instructor needs to model good communication skills and lead by example. Timely feedback for the student will enhance a student’s educational experience which will result in better learning outcomes. Lastly, group projects should have both a self-evaluation as well as a peer evaluation.


I have learned and will apply the elements of a good instructor's effectiveness: Teaching presence, social presence, and instructor response.

Giving boundries is so important and I will use this at day one in the online classroom.  There are so many different parts to an online class and there are many boundries and procedures that need to be put into place.  This will be a must for me!


Group work has always been a struggle for me personally, and I deal with students being reluctant in F2F environments to work in groups. I think that assigning roles and having students participate in peer feedback prior to evaluating the end product will help with students working together productively. 


Student involvement and good communication makes for a successful online course.


Instuructors allways need to have presense

It is important for students to learn effective communication boundaries. This should be set in the syllabus at the start of a course. It is also important for an instructor to set virtual office hours. This will help students that may have questions they need answered for the course. Virtual office hours help students feel a part of the community. Feedback on assignments should have a 24 hour turnaround. 

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