Gloria Ward

Gloria Ward

About me


Not all students have the same learning style. Your teaching style needs to meet all the different styles of learning

Comment on Manuel Tornilla's post: I have tried to always keep my layout simple and easy for the students. Many are first-time online learners and are just beginning to learn how to navigate the system. Consistency is important for all students.

GW I have found this information helpful. As an instructor I want to make sure that I want the students to be interested in what they are learning and to beable to take these learning experiences with them into the real world of medical assisting.


My role is to make sure that the student understands what is expected of them for the program they may be taking. If they have questions about their disability interfering they would need to speak to an advisor. This is not my role as an instructor. I have know idea what the schools rules are for full accomodations.


It is important for us as educators to be aware of ones specific disability. Everyone deserves  the chance to be succesful in their education. One thing Ihave learned in my own classroom is that if a student is having struggles with the materail and their is another student who is bilingual. See if the other student is willing to help their classmate. I have seen a growth in the student who was struggling. 


The process of VR helps the student to become more engaged in their learning experience The great thing is that it will not become stagnent becaue it is always reaching out to new ideas to expand the learning process

I have found this so far very interesting. I would like to know how you can use this in the Medical assistant program when we are doing online learning.


I honestly think that first you need to have everyone buy into the idea and then find out from the students by giving them a survey to see what would be helpful to them and future students to learn. You also need to take into consideration that some of your older students do no t have the technology savay. How do we help the?


Gward It is important to remember that I am there to guide the student through this adventure if the subject matter

It is important to remember that you are there to guide the students through the learning phase and help them to understand what is behind the goals of the particular class

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