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in order to make the correct changes when revising your course it is essential to have multiple resouches and multiple methods as part of the new changes.

The take - way from this session is to use multiple evaluations when closing the loop. In addition, a concerted effort will be made to encourage students to complete surveys at the end of end course.

Evalutaion Styles


The best way to improve anything is to not only enlist the feedback of your students, but also other avenues in order to provide the highest quality course as possible. Having multiple opinions allows you to get the most well rounded course as possible. 


I have learned the importance of utilizing multiple resources when designing a course. To apply this knowledge I will incorporate information from the most up to date peer reviewed literature into assignment and lesion designs.  

I'm going to now implement multiple evalutions. That way my students can learn alot more effectively

Course revision requires multiple facets of differing information to be the most successful. In addition to this, action research is a good process to use to fully understand the possible courses of action to take.


Various types of evaluations are necessary when reviewing a course 


The use of multiple evaluations is important to review and improving courses.


Evaluations are very beneficial in the beginning, middle and end of the course. Evaluations can be used help an instuctor see what areas students need to focus on or what areas the instructor need to focus on. 

The new evaluation methods I have really taken away from this is the Question Tools... Three clear points, three muddy points.  I was thinking they would make a great discussion board posting to count towards attendance. 


It is important to gather data from multiple sources when evaluating your course. Using both quantitative and qualitative measures is the ideal way to get the best overall picture of how effective your course is. Different types of data fit best with the different stakeholders in the course outcomes.

There will have to be a variety of ways in which I evaluate the studnets. I like the idea of having a peer review my course. 

Students are one of the three Key Stakeholders in an Online Course, and their Feedback and input should be taken into consideration when making revisions to the Online Course. 

It is important to reflect on the effectiveness of the course. This is performed through multiple evaluations from different sources. 

It is important to use several methods of feedback including student feedback and self-feedback.

3 clear and 3 muddy concepts in a 1 minute evaluation is an interesting tool I may try.


The multiple aspects to review when evaluating a course are important. Faculty are generally evaluated by how many students succeed and how many fail. However, all learning activities and methods of evaluation must be considered.


It takes multiple tools to provide the appropriate feedback you want to make continuous changes to improve your online course.


That course revision is a multifaceted process and is ongoing.


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