Jean Waddy

Jean Waddy

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I have learned that many media platforms students are already using, can be adapted to classroom assignments.  This would be great for many different types of programs, especially marketing and advertisement.  It would be a long stretch for me to see how I could use it in my accounting classes, but could be very useful in my business communications class.

I don't use social media in my classes, so this course helped me to realize I could use it and hopefully improve engagement with my online students.  There is much to learn.  I am not a big social media user, more of an observer, so to increase the use of it in my classes, I need to increase my use of it in more areas than just personal relationship.

I learned that it is important and necessary to have my online classes organized in a way that makes it easy for students to find content.

I use different technologies currently, but this challenges me to find different tools and to broaden my teaching behaviors.  I typically am a demonstrator, but want to move into more delegator.

This is great info, I believe our faculty are motivated intrinsicly.  I find satisfaction seeing my students succeed.

 I motivate my students by quickly grading work and providing feedback.

In Part three, Learnativity stands out.  I want to create more fun in my classroom and need to figure out how I can do that.  Also, I want to create real world simulations, so I can help my students walk through normal life on the job in the career they are training for.

There were several concepts in the second component that are so valuable. The Human Factor and Personal Attention stand out and I need to work on being more engaged personally with my students.  Understanding where they come from, will help me teach them better.

One first take away for me involves the three parts of developing career goals from the Personal Circumstances section.  I think we need to know how to develop a career goal personally and know how to walk students through identifying and walking towards a career goal.  Engaging them personally on this topic will help me as an instructor know if they are going in the right direction.  Some students have a general direction and don't realize there are specific areas they can pursue further.

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