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Keep the Rigor and still keep it realistic. Know your students.

Give positive feedback and help students find the value and personal meaning of their career choice.

I intend it make share I acknowledge and greet every students in every class period. I do this a lot already but I am determined to make it an exact habit based on the information presented in this course.

Students don't care abut what you know until they know you care.

Keep your students engaged, set goals that students can meet, and keep a positive learning environment. 

have a laugh once in a while

Adults are active learners and younger students tend to be passive learners.  Keep the classroom inviting to the students.  Incorporate fun activities in the lesson.  Check in with the students before each class to gauge their mindset for learning.  

I have learned I tend to address my class in a motherly fashion.  I can see where this is a problem from the first day of class.  I believe reevaluating myself and setting goals that I can work on will make be a better instructor.  I believe some of the changes I could make are:

-Preparing my course lesson plan and making it detailed, then send it out several days before day one.

-Send a details welcome announcement with expectations of course, lesson plan, and set up how things will go right off the bat would be helpful.

-Providing feedback in person or in announcement more often.

-Mix in case studies with lecture or videos to help summarize points of learning.  

-Ask for student feedback or survey the "temperature of the room"

Create a safe environment for students to learn

knowing the student needs and try to understand the student.

From this section I have learned that my enthusiasm for the class can be transferred to my students.  Also the enthusiasm can assist with the learning process by incorporating learning activities that are goal oriented and fun.  I will implement group activities that can be perceived by students as fun yet reinforcing a point.

Trying to be creative and fun can be a great way of connecting with students to gain their trust and built a relationship with them as a mentor and counselor in their prospective trade. 

It is important to provide a safe classroom for students to learn.  It is also important to provide a learning environment where students can be engaged.

Be excited about the content your are about to teach and transfer that onto your students. Start the class with a anecdote or something that will help you get a feel of the class's mood for that day. Enjoy teaching your students!

It is important to get to know your students, in order to teach them the way they need you to. Every student is different.

Recognizing varying situations in which you need to adapt your lesson plans, teaching style and perhaps and content material. Being flexible and fun while maintaining professionalism is upmost important. 

I believe a down-to-earth approach is much more received than an uptight instructor

Showing excitement and enthusiasm about what you are teaching will help get students enthused about the subject.

It help me understand how important it is to build bridges between me and my students before caring about the contentes of the class 

Teaching the subject matter with excitement and fun goes a long way in keeping students engaged. 

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