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Theree are many things to take into consideration when takng on the role of an instructor.  The factors that affect their lives both in and out of the classroom can steer them in or out of the direction of success.  I need to be aware of the environment that they will function in and how it is working for them.


Understanding students is important in making sure that the student is retained and is successful.


Great refresher of what students need are and how we as instructors can assist in meeting those. 


I remember when I first atarted nursing school, if the environment of the classroom was off - I did not learn the entire day.  I hope to not have my students get upset by things that I should be able to easily control. 

I learned the importance of listening to the student, understanding their situations and being able to adapt to their needs in order to best get the instruction through to them. I also learned about diverstiy of culture/background as well as age and their own goals. 


Most induviduals base their expectations on prior experiences. It is importtatnt to discuss their understanding so you know at what level to begin edcuating on a topic. 

It is important to know students and their needs.


This lesson has taught the importance of knowing how to adress a diverse group of students needs. The maturity, career goals, academic and life experience of the individuals will dictate the teaching style needed for student retention. 

In this section it was suggested that you find out what motivates your students in order to help your students.

I learned to be a good listener, to students frustrations. I learned to understand to never allow their frustrations to escalate in the classroom, redirect their focus to classroom goals and validate their success in a skill set to further encourage them to stay in class


Understanding the uniquiness of the students will help with a better connection. I always learn from my students. 

From this module I have learned that the 18 to 20 year old students bring to the classroom their high school years were they were coddled and teachers kept after them to make sure they completed their assignments.  The adult students want to share their life experiences and want an instructor that is a facilitator rather than an authoritarian leader.  I also learned that some of the intrinsic students needs are learning a skill and wanting to succeed.  An extrinsic student need is Maslow's needs, classroom environment and recognition.


Intrinsic student needs is where the student wants to suceed and do well.


Engaging the adult learner in class, encouraging them to share thier real life experiences is beneficial to the entire class.  All, including the instructor, benefit.

I actually really appreciate the idea of student profile cards. I've implemented something similar where I've had them post videos with an introduction to who they are, what they enjoy, what brought them to nursing, etc. This has really enhanced our lectures.


I learned the importance of communication with students especailly listening to their needs and validating their life experiences. Celebrating even the smallest achievements can go a long way. 


Students are influenced by both intrinsic and extrinsic needs.  In order to help our students meet their highest potential, we must be willing to have conversations with them about their needs.  However, we must remember that we represent the university and cannot get "sucked into the complaint" with them when students become frustrated.  Student frustrations can limit their ability to learn, and by providing support to help students meet their needs while also maintaining professionalism is important.


I have learned that it is important to engage and motivate students by encouraging  their efforts and validating that they can be successful. I have learned that adults can excell using their life experiences. It is important to understand cultural diversity and listening is a great idea when a student is frustrated . Career goals of informed decisions , relaistic desires and meaningful outcomes are great career objectives. I will incorporate these ideas in my clinical instructions.




Being a good listener, and yet, not getting personally brought into the complaint your students may have. All while maintaining your professionalism as an instructor. That is good advice.

Important to understand student needs 

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