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Understanding the variety of students regarding age and culture and meeting the needs of all of them.  Achieving a supportive learning environment in the class/lab to support their extrinsic needs and motivate/understand them to meet their intrinsic needs.

I am impressed by the idea to make face cards for each student and recall what is unique to each of them


It is so important to get to know your students, whether they are new adult learners, or out of high school for 20 years. Also knowing why are they here, what has their past experience shown them. Who are their support systems if they have any? Acknowlwdge frustrations, recommend a course of action, and refocus back on the classroom! Use Maslow's heirarchy of needs- very important!!!!


Learners have varying complex needs and they tend to stay engaged with the learning process if those needs are addressed effectively. Needs vary greatly depending on age, life experiences and cultural background.


For a awhile now I have been asking students what type of learner they think they are and based on their response I try to incorprate ways of teaching MA skills that will reach each student. Sometimes it is difficult but This section helped reiterate that each student is different, they all learn differently, they all have different reasons for coming to school. And they will all have different types of motivation to stay and complete the program.  


What I've realized is that, as a teacher, you need to be receptive to the student's needs.

I liked the idea of students of differenrt ge groups interacting and intermixing on group projects/discussions as everyone brings a unique perspective to the course or topic. 

I liked the suggestion of developing a file of students, their experiences and histories.


With any lecture, it is important to know your audience.  The same holds true when instructing students.  Every class is filled with a diverse group of individuals with backgrounds that are exstremely different.  I agree with the idea of using group study to divide the diverse population (experienced versus the less experienced) so that each member could share their experiences with each other, their point of view, and transfer knowledge.


As instructor, nursing skills are still applicable: assessment. Another term to use is knowing students and this will help instructor to assist students to be more sucessful.


Rembering that I was once a distance learner after more than 25 years out of my basic nursing training.  The change in the learning environment was so different, and i had to adapt and learn a new way.  

I would ask m,y students to fill out a quastioannaire at the beginning of each module to find out what are their career goals. I will try to help them expand and achieve their goals by encouraging them know their capabilities.


Reply to Angela Marie Martinez's post: I totally agree. Age and culture affect the learning objectives a lot!

Reply to Leia Trainor's post: I have tried being an active but neutral listener at the time of my student's frustration. It worked amazingly and calm the person down without me doing more!

1. Learn and get to know about your students

2. Use learner's previous experience "crystalized experiences" play big role in learning

3. Encourage and motivate students to the learning environment

Each student has a story of their own and we must find ways to learn from the experiences of each person in order to succeed.


I have learned that as an Instructor, It is my duty to find a way to encourage and support students in order to keep them engaged in the subject. This material is allowing me to develope a different approach to further assist students of different divesity groups and needs.  


It is very important to highlight the past experience of students and relate it to their learning and training.

I've experienced the strategies mentioned in this module over my teaching career and i agree with everything said. I can't say I learned anything new but I can say I learned different ways to present what I already agree with in this module. 

From this section I've really learned to see things from differnt persoectives and notjust mine own



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