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When ending a class review the class content that was done for the day and any concerns you may have. Reflect back on how the class went and any improvements that can be made to be sure youre utilizing the class time wisely and correct something that didnt work for you or your students. 

Developing course content is paramount on utilizing the learning styles and Lecture formats.  Allow tour student to utilize reading listening, hands on and seeing videos to help with learning the content


Try to use as many methods of teaching as possible to reach students who learn in a variety of ways.


This area of the course taught me how to best present lectures and demonstrations to the students, as well as common styles of lectures and demonstrations.  Use "mini-lectures" of 10-15 minutes, cover a single point with examples and end with a short summary.  Make notes about how your lectures went, and review what worked and what didn't.  During demonstrations try to keep it to 5 to 7 steps, make it so everyone can see, and have a fallback plan if the demonstration doesn't go well.

Plan your class. Arrive early. Great your students.


"To be a good lecturer, you need ti be a scholar, writer, producer, comedian, entertainer and instructor."



Especially important to practice your presentation/lab demonstration prior to introducing it to the students


Call the class together and review the successes and areas of concern that you’ve seen

Make notes to yourself on how you might improve the demonstration next time. 

If there is rapport between you and your students they will connect with the content you are sharing and their retention will be higher. They will be focused on what you are sharing with them because they know you consider this information important.

No matter how many times you have performed a procedure you should always go through it before class to make sure you have included all of the steps and the right safety procedures, and have secured the needed equipment. Proper preparation prevents problems

Due to the fact that every individual learns in a different way, learning content should be delivered by using many methods. Have students question themselves to change their opinions or remain the same and to learn more about what motivates them to learn. Using different methods of teaching will ensure that the students will stay engaged in the subject matter and the class will not become stagnant. 

Short simple and different learning blocks help ALL learners.


Practice demo's!!!

Making sure you develop good lesson plans that incorporate different learning styles in short 10-15 min increments is essential.

I learned that in order to have a successful course, I should develop my material and be prepared to demonstrate competencies. Also, my learning style will be important for my students because they can easily lose interest and attention.

This course does an exceptional job of reinforcing good habits that produce an effective learning environment.

Deloveping a lesson plan and practicising before the class start.


Plan ahead of time and make sure to incorporate multiple learning styles.

In this module I have earned to keep demostrates short and simple and lectures to a smaller time frame to ensure the full attention of the pupils.


Good solid information as to types of lectures, and other delivery options.  I need to keep in mind the different ways and change them from time to time to help with learning.  

Varying delivery of content is essential to reach all types of learners.


I appreciate learning about the various styles of lecture and learning.  Casting a wider net will appeal to the class helping serve more.  I plan to assess learning styles and work to provide the variety.


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