Janine  Wade

Janine Wade

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As students journey towards a professional career, it is important for them to begin a portfolio of education provided and skills learned. Today through digital badges students can showcase learning and skills achieved that future employers can view. 

Students become empowered in the classroom through repetition of communications and by working with familiar technology. Instructors should allow students to use their devices for educational learning. I promote asking why in my clinical rotation and allow the students to google the facts they need to further their education. We have a wealth of knowledge in our hands each day and learning to research  for education is just part of being modern. 

Students need to empower their learning process and take ownership of the classes and education they desire. A competent teacher can assist students and inspire them to enjoy learning through great stories. Together students and teachers can work toward student success since statistics show that 42% of students do not finish their college education.

As the students begin to take hold of the learning process they empower themself to success ,. Hands on opportunity along with instructor support brings the student into maximum engagement assisting in student autonomy  focusing on self involvement in the learning process.

Students need empowerment and ownership in their education. Instructors need to provide open opportunities for students to be motivated to the career subject they have chosen. The more opportunity arises the students focus on ownership and they become more inspired to gain more knowledge about the subjects and therefore are more empowered as they progress through school. 

To motivate others you need to be passionate about what you are trying to motivate them in. I like to motivate through inspiration. Inspiring others to learn and grow both at school and on their own. Almost the way a toddler learns by asking why, I encourage my nursing students to inquire why something occurs in our body, perhaps why the drug effects the patient the way it does due to all the comorbidities of the patient. its ok to ask questions as a nursing student, this facilitates learning because the more information they learn because they wanted to know… >>>

Evaluating the students for different learning styles and disabilities is key to helping students be successful. I will strive to assist all students to their educational goals. There is allot of valuable information in this learning component. Also understanding ELL is important to realize the language barriers the some students are facing. 

Assisting adult learners is complex and may be compounded is English is not their primary language. Breaking content into smaller learning bites can assist students with language barriers. Assisting learners to decode words may assist ELL students. 

Organizing the students into small groups can facilitate learning but grading can pose a challenge. Grading by the group and individual grades. 

Working to enhance good teaching communication skills takes time. Learning to step out into the classroom to engage with the students will help connection between student and speaker. Evaluating facial expressions of the students helps to monitor for disconnect. Understanding the audience sets the tone of the lecture. Using notes on a 5x7 card assists with a clear view of the students and I will not drop my papers all over. Clear projection with confidence to engage the students but with a pause in between points to help the students catch up with the material content spoken. Absorbing small amounts… >>>

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