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Break up lessons into 15 minute sections with activities, games, questions, or case studies between sessions to ensure we don't lecture beyond the attention span of our students.

I enjoyed re-learning about the different learning styles and methodologies. I particularly liked the idea of shortening the lecture and add more active learning practices such as problem-learning and demonstrations. Reminding myself that after introducing 5-7 new concepts I will likely lose my students' interest will allow me to modify my delivery and make it more varied.

Use multiple delivery methods to address as many learning styles as possible. 

effictive , attractive and detailed lecture is important to reach the students easily 

Prepare lesson plan that includes different learning styles. Practice demonstrations prior to class.


It is important to vary your teaching style as each student learns differently. it is also important to remember not to lexcture longer than 1 minutes. 

This module has taught me different ways of delivering my class content so the students will find interesting . I have also learned to not over due the lecture part of class and just keep them in 10-15 minutes blocks.


Utilizing a lesson plan keeps you focused on how to prepare for each class section, including the content and materials needed for the students.

The biggest take away from this module is the attention span of the average human is 10-15 minutes. Breaking apart the lecture to reflect this point and incorporating some technical applications and/ or review of points made will contribute positively to student success. Additionally, familiarizing oneself with the tools to incorporate all learning styles will ensure the entire groups' success. 


CHnage your lecturing styles, not every student picks up or learns on the materials the same, maintiain 10 to 15 min lecture blocks


Variety is the key and remember your students only have a 15-18 minute attention span. Keep the class flowing while using diffrent strategies. 

I learned that we must vary our instructional style to meet the various learning styles of our students. We must also use a catchy introduction at the beginning of our lecture to spark curiously of the learner. I will also be adding the idea of handing out notecards at the start of class and have students write their questions down. This will be a great way to clarify muddy points, especially in those students who are more timid. 

The message of changing delivery stlye hit home as instructors can develope fall back positions and lean on one style tooo much to be truely effective in the classroom.  I like the idea of video taping the lesson and having an opportunity to review it later.  However painful it may be at the time it will certainly benefit long term.

Develop a lesson plan that is dynamic, has personal strories that feed into the lesson, and to prepare the lesson with using different methods to reach different learning styles. 


Sticking to 10-15 minute size increments


Put deliberate thought into the design of each course element and the delivery process. 

Great tips for changing up the teaching styles to keep students interested. I like the idea of keeping a small notebook with you during labs to write down what worked and what didn't.


In order to successfully deliver content, it is important to incorporate all of the various learning styles for student engagement.



Vary your teaching style, as to reach each student so every student can learn.


Make sure to design lessonplans that speak to each learning style, keep lectures brief, allow time for questions.  I really like the notecard technique

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