Terri Fluke

Terri Fluke

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A better understanding of different types of tests to offer the students.  The type of information that is being covered and which style works best.

All students learn differently.  Ask questions to see if students are understanding what has been taught, while going over material to see there comprehension of what they have learned.

I have learned to effectively use different types of questioning to utilize when instructing.  If one doesn't work, try a different type of questioning and see how the students respond.

In reviewing this course thus far.  We all have different learning styles.  I think it's important to try to teach/reach all learning styles if possible when instructing.  As some students could find a new way of learning.  I am more of a visual / kinesthetic learner.

I feel that this was great information covered.  I have been instructing for some years now, but it is always good to have a refresher.   


The 3 M's - Model, Manager and Motivator 


The 5 C's - Credible, Candid, Compassionate, Committed, and Clear

Great things to go buy.

Be prepared is key!


Being prepared is important.  Trying to teach and adapt to the different learning styles to all students is important, to keep them engaged in what material is being taught and make it relatable if possible. 

To introduce the class and yourself to the students.  Give them some sort of knowledge of what will be covered and about yourself. It's helpful to know your students as well.  Not as students learn the same, try to figure out how you can instruct them the best way you can.

To have your Syllabus prepared and finalized.  The students will have more of an understanding of what is expected of them.  To be prepared for anything that could possibly happen.  Have a list of what needs to be covered that is not completely covered in the syllabus.  Have a notepad handy to jot down thoughts and ideas to discuss.

Know and manage your subject and content.  Convince the students that you love what you do and not just like it.   

Model behavior,  lead by example, and the 5 C's Credible, Candid, Compassionate, Committed, Clear. Excited

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