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i always try to use several different methods in the first few sessions and see how the students benefit more. Deonstration works better most of the times.


Reply to Michael Mitchell's post:i have to work on that. mine takes longer.

Reply to Peter Zapf's post:thats true. the class get bored if they only listen to you lecturing!

Vary the style of lecture to keep students engaged 

Keep the class interesting and change up the delivery method used to maintain student interest.

Compared to when I was in nursing school, I am hands on with my students and right there to give feedback on their skills and learning.  Usually, the first one has a bit of difficulty, but each student tends to learn from their peers.  By then end, each has had that ah-ha moment.  It's cool to see this happening.  And, it's important, as everyone has suggested, to keep it intersting to maintain student engagement.  

Teaching to the entire groups needs by teaching all learning styles and taking a step back to identify when we have to further modify our class.

I learned that I need to vary my teaching styles and lecturing styles to address the needs of all learners. 

1. Prepare different delivery style based on learning needs

Tree diagram for your lessons. I have done this and it shows me some variation of the sequence of my lessons. Sometimes a class will have an interest in a specific lesson, and it helps if are confident in moving your lesons around to match the class peak interest/ 

Use multiple methods of content delivery, but don't get hung up on trying to hit every possible learning style every time.


Utilize different teachiong styles in hopes to cover the everyones learning style.

Try to incorperate mini-lectures 10-15mins in legnth. 

When providing demonstrations, practice prior to doing it live in class and make sure the demos have no more than 7 steps to ensure students will remember all the steps.

The attention rule of 10 to 15 min of separating every class related concept will be of a great help. 

I agree with this statement, to be a good lecturer you need to be a scholar, writer, producer, comedian, entertainer, and instructor.  The biggest factor in delivering effective lectures is to practice, practice, and practice.


When instructing on a demonstration limit steps to 5-7steps. 

Mixing up my appraoch will help reach more students.


Making sure to use different approaches will help reach more students.

It is important to use various approaches to teaching so that you are more likely to provide opportunities for learning that address all learning styles.  It is also important to practice, come prepared, and reflect after each class on how things went and what changes could be made for continual improvement.

Using various teaching methods to engage the students will promote learning and retention of material.


Within the class I have learned alot with how to approach different aspects of teaching that i did not think about before. To be prepared before the class and to study my material before teaching it to the class. Make the students feel like they are important to you as an instructor. To always be honest and upfront with your students. 


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