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Students are always watching your behavior and make sure to act the way you would want your students to act, be early, consitant and professional.





This all seems simple, but you really have to work daily at each. In healthcare, as an example, it can be pretty scary to try to motivate students when the subject of the day is fecal incontinence management. Subjects like that require the instructor to dig deep in order to motivate! Modeling behavior becomes paramount in this situation, because the behavior that we project will in turn be what guides the student to want to excel with the subject.

Management! I cannot tell you how many times I had an awesome class because I got there before the first student and was able to catch y breath, get set up for the class, and put forth my best effort. I think to be very honest though, those classes where I ran late, was unprepared, or mentally checked-out were wasted hours and the students had their special ways of letting me know this.

I think as I start in this new area of education, I am going to write down those 3 words and use them to define how I plan to shape my day, not only for the benefit of my students, but also for my own satisfaction as an instructor.



Professional development should be the driving force of your teaching career. It encourgaes constant grotwh that can be quantified.


That everything is a learning experience and that in the classroom leadership qualities should be shown through example and practice rather than authority.

Be authentic. You are who you are - and show your passion and care for what you teach and how you teach it. Be creative, be animated, yet be professional at all times.

Reply to Alexis Alanis's post: Yes, I related to this too. As a professional writer who shares her writing, I get comments like "don't expect us to write like you!" or "we cannot live up to your high standards." - so yes, I need to be more humble. Maybe talk bout my journey to publishing and the pitfalls I encountered and the process.

I have learned that just because you have devleoped yourself into the instructor role, you shouldn't assume you are above or beyond anyone else in the classrom setting. It is important to maintain a professional demenor no matter what and not only should you be an instructor but you should also continue to apply yourself to learn as well. 


I learned that the instructor has many roles to facilitate learning in students. Be aware of yourself and past experiences to lead students.


Stay professional.


You should make your professional development plan a fluid one so you can change directions based upon newly identified needs. The key is to keep current in your field so you can see when you need to add content and/or change instructional format.

The 3 M's model motivate and manage.


As a professional we are constantly learning how to better ourselves which in turn aids us in being a better teacher/.


As a professional we are constantly learning how to better ourselves which in turn aids us in being a better teacher/.


Be in class early and prepared. Be enthusiastic. Be professional and be a role model.



Always seek self improvement to develop skills in your craft as an instructor as to give your students max chance to grow.


As an educator we need to  lead by example, improving developmental role, in order to improve student development.


Implementation of the 5 C's really got my attention. I appreciate the opportunity for self reflection, adjustment and targeted improvement. 


Definitely to come in every day motivated.  Display my passion for the subject to engage the students and create an environment that they want to learn and pay attention.


Preparation, professional development, loving what you teach, and being a role model are fundamental aspects of teaching. 


The 5-C's were a new one for me and something I will be implementing. 

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